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Author Topic:  Ok call this thread... Forget Me Not!
Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2011 11:14 pm    
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There have been recent threads on things forgotten on the way to a gig, but lets try to remember some of the valuables left on the way home! I rely on the kindness of strangers occasionally, but havent lost anything more than a piano bench, a keyboard stand, a guitar stand and a few cables, due to my own absent mindedness. The moral: the more you bring with you, the more you need to keep track of! Oh, if I just played harmonica life would be so easy. Laughing

Please post any memorable (though you would like to forget) times that you have left something important behind. Sometimes you get lucky through the kindness of strangers, or people you know at the establishment, and have been able to retrieve it later, but sometimes you are just too far from home to go back for it.

Stolen is one thing, but lets call this forget me not, or finders keepers, losers weepers. You cant really blame anyone but yourself, and it only sharpens your sense of packing up your gear at the end of the night! Every time, its right where you left it, but whether you can go back to get it is often the story you would like to forget. Fortunately, many times things have a way of being returned to their rightful owners through extraordinary events.

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