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Author Topic:  AMA Foundation Benefit 9/18 - Sunol Calif
Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2011 1:41 pm    
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I will be playing at a benefit for the AMA Foundation on Sunday Sept 18, 4-8pm. All the proceeds will go to help a little 3 year old girl in Manteca California who is terminally ill with a neurological disease called OPCA and has little time left. The money will help her parents with the huge medical bills and the coming final costs.

Cost: $15
When: Sunday 9/18/2011 4pm - 8pm
Where: Sunol Jazz Cafe, 11984 Main st. Sunol, California. 925-862-2800

The band will be one that I sometimes play with called TCB. This will be a reunion of current and past band members.

If you can't make it to the gig, the foundation can accept donations at any USbank branch by specifying it should go to the AMA Foundation. The foundation was formed by Dave Pestana, a former member of TCB, and is a legal charity foundation. You can contact him through his website HERE. There is a page on his site for links and affiliations that has all the info you need. I am not affiliated with the foundation, so all questions should be sent to Dave.

Also, due to unfortunate circumstances in my life, I will be having a major disruption in my life after this gig and this will most likely be the final gig of my career, so it would be nice if some of the local players could attend.

It would be nice if we could all help out this charity like we all do when it is one of our own who needs help.

Thank you very much.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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