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Author Topic:  Mullard, RCA, Telefunken and Amperex 12ax7's
Orlando Colom


Florida, USA
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2011 4:32 am    
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Selling a few more tubes from my stash. All are well tested and as described.

1. Mullard 12ax7/ ecc83. Bogen labeled, but the script is mostly gone. It tested close to new specs and sounds great, though its used.
$65.00 shipped.

2. Amperex 12ax7/ecc83. All the label is gone, but you can see the faint codes on the glass. Another great used tube, that test great.
$50.00 shipped.

3. Telefunken smooth plate 12ax7/ecc83. This tube tested great and would sound killer in low gain amps, or as the pahse inverter, as its a little microphonic, and not recomeneded for high gain amps in V1.<> on bottom and logo is gone.
$30.00 shipped

4. 3 each. RCA 50's Long grey plate RCA 12ax7's. Great great tubes that rival the Mullards for a bit less. They all test close to new specs, and are labeled for Wurlitzer. They are used.
$30.00 each shipped.

5. 5 each. 60's RCA short plates, as used in all the vintage Fenders. Another great used tube for the money. These are a steal compared to the new made tubes today. They dont come close.
$25.00 each shipped.

6. Tung-Sol 12ax7. Vintage USA Made Tung-Sol
long plate 12ax7. Sounds great and tested great too.
$30.00 Shipped.

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