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Author Topic:  Merry Christmas everyone! Branson, MO
Jeremiah Hanley


Springfield, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 14 Aug 2011 3:00 pm    
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OOoops! It's a little too early for that, isn't it? I just thought that would have a cooling effect on these hot days! Or maybe it had a chilling effect, thinking how Santa Claus likes to get in our billfolds. But there are a lot of good things that happen during the Christmas season....First and foremost, we get to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, worldwide!! Then we get to go to Branson for our Christmas Party!! (You knew I was getting around to something about the OzSGA, didn't you???) I remember the first Christmas Party that Venda and I attended in Branson. It was at the Dogwood Motel and I remember Louie Hallford, Rob Parker, and the guy that makes us all laugh, Joe Wright, they were all there. I had the pleasure of meeting Terry Bethel and Tom Brumley. I already knew Roger Blevins and Dave Musgrave. It seems like there were around 19 steel players there! At one of the Christmas Parties, Venda and a lead guiar picker were the 'band'! With her multi-talented keyboard, we had piano, drums and bass....making their appropriate sounds. Terry had invited a band, but the guitar player was the only one that showed up. They really made the place 'kick'! Steel players got to back Rob Parker as he sang. Each player got to play 3 songs. The food was catered by the in-house cafeteria! What a great time and what memories!! Terry wanted Venda and I to play some gospel music in honor of our special guest, the Lord Jesus Christ! I hope you're making plans for the October Jam (Oct. 16) and the Christmas Party, December 11! That's at the Branson Community Center!
Jerry and Venda
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Larry Baker


Columbia, Mo. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2011 1:47 pm     Great
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Wow, now just what would we do without the HANLEY's? Jerry and Venda are truly two greats of the Ozark Steel Club. With their love for music and Our Lord and Savior, it just doesn't get any better.

Weather permitting, we are planning on being there for the Christmas Party. Jerry, thanks for the phone call, WE love you guys. Larry and Jean
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