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Author Topic:  Sabine Backtracker
Joe Rouse

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 6 Aug 2011 2:52 pm    
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Anyone had experience with a Sabine Backtracker? Good, bad, or both?...jr
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David Alexander


Mead, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 8 Aug 2011 6:45 am     Backtracker BT300
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I have the BT 300 and it works great. You can record up to 15 or 20 seconds of a riff you want to learn and practice along with it at full speed or slow it down to a snail's pace without changing the key it's in. The only downside is the slower it goes the less sound quality it has. However, even at the slowest setting it's still clear enough that you can hear each note being played. One bad thing is it sometimes will record a riff and then the last one or two you recorded will be on it too, running after the most recent one. I just pause my CD player and let the BT record a blank signal for a few seconds and it will erase the whole thing and then you can start all over. I guess it's some kind of glitch in the software. It don't happen much but it will sooner or later. The older models will erase the riff if you unplug it. The BT300 will keep that riff until you erase it. If this thing ever quits I will go right out and find another one. DA
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