Dave A. Burley
From: Franklin, In. USA
Posted 10 Aug 2011 8:23 pm
The reason I say this is because I am almost Buddy's age. I find that my guitar playing, and I am an average guitar player, improves when I am just thinking, not even playing. My guitar playing is faster than it was when I was young. I have much more knowledge of chords and my touch is better. I believe that Buddy has stuff up there in his head that would make the best of the best today want to start to play banjo rather than stee. If he hasn't touched the steel in two years I believe that he could sit down and with a little woodshedding play some stuff that that would probably even scare him. I betcha that he could keep up with one of his idols, Pat Martino, in a good jam session. A great one never loses it, he just improves with age. When he does come back you will see what I am talking about. Listen to L.T. Zinn. He's older than Buddy and he improves every year. Stephan Grapelli(sp)? Had that touch up in his nineties...Kenny Baker was better at 84 years old than when he was sixty. Buddy, please come back and prove me right.
Dave A. Burley _________________ Dave A. Burley
P.O. Box #211
Franklin, Ind. 46131
Buddy Emmons/Jimmy Bryant live $15.00 includes shipping.
It's The First Time(studio)$15.00 includes shipping.
Curley Chalker/Julian Tharpe live $15.00 includes shipping.
the Cavalcade Of Guitars live $16.00 includes shipping.
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