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Author Topic:  Rains / Evans FET 500 LV
Thomas Cepek

Berlin, Germany
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2011 8:05 am    
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Dear RAINS Players !

How much of you RAINS players with a Bill Lawrence 705 pickup play through an older Evans FET 500 LV amp with JBL speaker ?!

I would be happy if you could share your settings on these amps with me.

Thanks and kind regards... Thomas Cool
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Micky Byrne

United Kingdom (deceased)
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2011 2:40 am     Re: Rains / Evans FET 500 LV
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Thomas...I sometimes use my Evans (same as yours), but mine has the Evans eclipse speaker, which many did prefer because they handled the power better than the JBL's which tended to blow...The eclipse speakers were specially designed by Eminence to specifications from Evans. With that amp, it's all down to experimenting. You probably know that there is enough treble on that amp to shatter glass...go easy on that...usually just on number 1 or 1 and a half. I have both the mini switches (expand and depth) on. A good technician here altered them so "down" was on....that made more sence than up for on. I usually play a chord and turn the depth up till you hear the "meat" come into the tone, usually between 3 and 4. Then slowly bring up the bass till it suits you. It's all down to experimenting really. There are tons of tones available on that amp, so regardless of what steel you have or pick up, it's really just a case of sitting there and experementing for yourself till you hear what tone/timbre suits "YOU" ... That very same technician serviced my Evans and said it had some of the best electrical components they had seen. They are good amps....hang on to it.

Micky Byrne...U.K.

Sho-Bud and Carter Universals...NV400 and Evans fet 500 amps
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Thomas Cepek

Berlin, Germany
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2011 12:03 am    
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Hi Micky !

Thanks much for your detailed reply. I will try your tips on our next bandpractice, cause my amp stands in our practice room.

As you say, this is a great amp. I love it too, special in combination with my Rains. Actually I have my highs on 1,5, as you say. I have my depth on 4 - 5 I think, my bass on 9. And I like a lot of reverb.

I find it difficult to set up an amp the way, that the steel sounds real good all over the fretboard. But it is like you say, it is always experimenting on these settings from time to time.

Kind regards from Germany to the United Kingdom... Thomas Cool
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Micky Byrne

United Kingdom (deceased)
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2011 2:27 am     Evans fet 500
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You're welcome Thomas.
I've worked in your country many times during the 70's and 80's. Nashville artists would be flown over to perform at the American airforce bases, and it was cheaper just to get a British band to get the Ferry to Belgium then drive to Germany, than it would be to send the whole band over from the States.
Germany is a lovely place..... Just a thought, maybe try a little less reverb, too much sometimes sounds like you're playing in a bathroom Laughing ...a little less will make your tone cut through the overall mix of the band in your practice room.

Keep picking Smile

Micky Byrne U.K.

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Berlin, Germany
Post  Posted 6 Aug 2011 8:53 am    
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Hello Thomas,

I play with my Evans through a JBL K130 (8 Ohm) which has a warmer tone than your E130 (4 Ohm).

My settings:

Depth: out
Expand: in
Bass: 7
Body: 1-2
Treble: max. 1 (Treble on 1,5 makes a large difference)

Horst Waisznor
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Thomas Cepek

Berlin, Germany
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2011 2:52 am    
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Hi Horst !

ThankĀ“s much for your reply. I always appreciate your help very much.

Kind regards... Thomas Cool
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