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Author Topic:  Carter Starter Pedal Problems
Scotty Alderman


Florida, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2011 6:51 am    
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Hi Folks,

I've searched for this info, but can't seem to find it.

I'm new to the steel (I'm a guitar and mandolin player), but I got a Carter Starter to jump into this world. However, I'm having a hard time with two of the pedals--the A and B. The B pedal has a lot of throw before it engages, they both require a great deal of pressure, and it's made tuning really difficult. However, I played a buddy's Emmons and had no problem with tuning because the pedals were easy to apply pressure and were predictable. With the Carter pedals, I feel like I'm smashing them into the floor.

All that said, I've heard/watched guys online play these (Bobby Seymour being one) and the pedals seem to be much smoother to use.

I'm in Orlando and don't really know anyone who works on steel guitars?

Tips or suggestions?

Thanks so much,
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John Scanlon

Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2011 7:19 am    
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The pedals are adjustable on the vertical rods - your CS may have come with an introductory DVD (like mine did) explaining how to do this. (If not, I - or someone much more experienced than I - could easily explain it to you.) [EDIT: The CS also comes from the factory with the A and B pedals set at slightly different heights when engaged intentionally - this is also on the DVD.]

However, as you'll hear from many on this forum, there are without questions many limitations and shortcomings on the CS, so even with proper adjustment, you'll only be able to get it so far. It won't ever play like an Emmons. It is a student instrument, after all.

The problem of taking the next step up is having an extra $1.5 grand or so to get a new guitar. I want a better instrument, but it's not in my near future, so I'm trying to make the best of it until then.
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Scotty Alderman


Florida, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2011 9:48 am    
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I bought the CS used and there was no DVD. I can try and track one down though.

I’ve read up on the limitations, but as long as I can get the pedals in reasonable condition, I’ll be fine finding my way around on it, I think. And, yes, playing the Emmons was like driving a Ferrari Smile, so I’m not expecting my little Honda to do the same.

Thank you---I didn’t even know there was a DVD to help set up the CS. That’s really helpful.
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Don Brown, Sr.


New Jersey
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2011 11:08 am    
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Don't forget, a little oil on things, never hurts for making things work much easier. Smile
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John Scanlon

Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2011 12:01 pm    
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Do you have this yet?

See page 3.
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Scotty Alderman


Florida, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2011 12:29 pm    
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Do you have this yet?

I don't---thanks so much!
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