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Ron Whitworth

Yuma,Ariz.USA Yeah they say it's a DRY heat !!
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2011 5:49 pm    
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Now before you comment please listen to this video.
This is hard core honky tonk country music with a great steel turnaround in the middle - watch the steel player
at the end of his ride >>


The song is called Lonely At The Top - was co-written by Keith Whitley but he died before he could record it
the song story is about a struggling musician- words go
It's lonely at the top but it's a b*tch at the bottom!
Let's hear your comments on this song.
Thanks .. Ron

Here is another link to the same song - you can't see the band here but you can hear the words a little clearer >>

"Tone is in the hands. Unless your wife will let you buy a new amp. Then it's definitely in that amp."

We need to turn the TWANG up a little

It's not what you play through, it's what you play through it.

They say that tone is all in the fingers...I say it is all in your head Smile

Some of the best pieces of life are the little pieces all added up..Ron

the value of friendship. Old friends shine like diamonds, you can always call them and - most important - you can't buy them.
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Jim Baron


Madera, Ca.
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2011 10:07 am    
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Hi Ron, Yeah, that's a good one and Cowboy did himself proud on the steel. A guy I play with started doing it and I worked out most of it, kinda got it close.... I think...))))
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Ron Whitworth

Yuma,Ariz.USA Yeah they say it's a DRY heat !!
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2011 8:09 pm    
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Good for you Big Jim..It is a great song for a musician to do I think.
Yes, Cowboy is having a ball on the turnaround - in fact the whole bands looks like they are all having a great time together on stage.
"Tone is in the hands. Unless your wife will let you buy a new amp. Then it's definitely in that amp."

We need to turn the TWANG up a little

It's not what you play through, it's what you play through it.

They say that tone is all in the fingers...I say it is all in your head Smile

Some of the best pieces of life are the little pieces all added up..Ron

the value of friendship. Old friends shine like diamonds, you can always call them and - most important - you can't buy them.
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