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Author Topic:  Session 500 loud hum(not reverb)
ken collins


Oklahoma City, OK.
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2011 6:35 am    
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My 500 began to hum while I was on break, very loudly. Unplugged my steel from the hi input, no accessories. I turned every control maimum left. still hums loud. I get no guitar sound thru amp. I completly unplugged the reverb harness. The volume of the hum is constant regardless of volume controls. I took it apart and unplugged and replugged every molex connector. Jacks appear to have all connections soldered properly. I don't see any wiring problems with power cord. I was already having the loud double pop when I turned it off. Still does this. I don't see any leaks or fat caps. Any help would be appreciated. I have sent several amps to Peavey with great satifaction in years past, but am hoping for a possible easy fix like maybe just replacing some caps. Thanks, Ken
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2011 9:49 am    
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Considering the age of a Session 500 (I had one of the original small cabinet models - new) the first thing I would consider is power supply capacitors.

I am an ex amp tech, and the power supply is the first area I would examine.

You should consider sending it to Peavey for repair. Their prices are very reasonable and it will be fixed right.
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