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Author Topic:  I need setup/tuning help
David Kurtz


San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2011 5:27 pm    
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I have been struggling for the past few months to learn PSG. One of the biggest barriers is that I can't seem to get the thing in tune. Specifically the third pedal, which is supposed to raise the E to an F# and the B to the C# only raises the E to slightly flat of F, and B to slightly sharp of B. I've tried adjusting the travel of the rods, but I'm already at the limit, it seems. This is the most I can make those strings go sharp.

Im not sure where to go from there, short of forgetting about that pedal altogether.
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Dickie Whitley


Post  Posted 12 Mar 2011 5:59 pm    
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David, it might would help to know what kind of steel you have. Also, are you saying that you've attempted to tune with the nylon tuners (on the right end of the steel (if you're right handed)).
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David Kurtz


San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2011 6:09 pm    
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Dickie, I have a "Little Buddy" E9 guitar. 3 pedals, 3 levers.

And yes, I'm trying to tune with the nylon tuners at the end of the rods.
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Stephen Cordingley


Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2011 8:55 pm    
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I had one of those "Little Buddy" psgs
my local psg pro suggested it was best suited for firewood
I used to tune it using the instructions for "A push/pull mechanism" from p. 18 of Pedal Steel Guitar by Winnie Winston
there is also a section (p.114)at the back on how to solve problems similar to yours

I hope this helps. I actually used the Buddy guitar for a while, and found it was ok for developing basic rh/lh technique
for pedals, it is limited at best
btw, I then moved "up" to an ABM Rodeo (a German psg of dubious quality), then "up" again to the much maligned Carter Starter (a definite improvement from the Lil Buddy) , then finally to a pro Carter
whether or not you should follow this sort of circuitous path, or just take the plunge to a "real" psg, is a topic for another thread...
good luck with your Lil Buddy!
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2011 11:07 pm    
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Since you're in San Francisco, you might want to take the guitar over to Tom Bradshaw in Concord and have him set it up for you.
Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
http://www.mikeperlowin.com http://soundcloud.com/mike-perlowin
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richard burton

Post  Posted 13 Mar 2011 1:22 am    
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If the steel looks like the one in the following photos, it has a pull-release mechanism.

To tune the 4th string high note, press the C pedal and make sure that the finger touches the body.

If it doesn't, then the pedal travel will have to be increased.

When you have got the finger set correctly, press (and hold) the C pedal, and tune the string (at the keyhead) to F#

Release the pedal, and tune the string to E using the tuning screw on the endplate (see photo)

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Brian Fox


Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2018 1:14 pm    
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This an old thread but I am a new player and I have a little buddy with the same issue. However, I was able to finally tune the "C" pedal with the pull rod disconnected. After troubleshooting and reading up on it it appears I do not have enough pedal movement (pull). When pulling down on the pull rod it looks to be a quarter inch too long( I have also adjusted the set screw by the up by the guitar to give me maximum movement). Is there anything else I can do to adjust the "pull" to get it to where I need it? The A, B and Lever I was able to adjust to get into tune. I've got to say it has been a interesting process transitioning from playing a standard 6 string guitar to this but I am going to be persistent.I just need the thing in tune! Any advice is appreciated!
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