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Author Topic:  steel jam clifton park ny
Larry Edwards

Broadalbin, NY
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2011 12:09 pm    
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hi i would just like to say in regards to andy kinzinskis steel jam in clifton park ny april the 2nd draws some players that would like to meet some new musicians and players and have a fun day . andy is putting this together because theres not anything like this that goes on in this area . so if we get enough people to show up for it maybe we could have it again in the future so please try to make it if you possibly can it will be gun and meet new players . thank you larry edwards
I have 2 pedalmaster steels dbl 10
with 8 pedals and 5 knees.and a dbl body single neck with 3 pedals and 5 knees. I play a vegas 400 and I have a new steelking. I am a leftie.
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