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Author Topic:  I have a friend in Texas...................
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 9:01 am    
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I have a wonderful steel guitar playing friend down in Texas.....

He has an extensive background with his music and even played with some really big c/w stars.

I suggested he put some of his material up on YOU TUBE but doesn't know how, which I fully understand.
I too, have never done such a project but I do feel he should be heard........

Anyone here that might be willing to post some of his playing?
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 9:47 am    
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Ray , when you title your threads, do you ever consider being less mysterious about the subject matter so that others might feel compelled to open your threads and respond?

Im not trying to bag on you brother, I think youd get more responses if you used more informative titles, as the sticky above your thread suggests.

Try not using all the ".......'s" in every thread title and try referencing the subject matter in a concise way. For example , this thread could have been titled "help with youtube?"

again , no offense meant and happy new year.
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Bill Waskiewicz


Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 11:38 am    
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Thanks Ben Smile
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 12:19 pm     No offense intended......................
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I've been posting on SGF for more than ten years and until this past year, have never had a problem, rec'd minimal criticism and all seemed to roll along smoothly.

A handful of you folks now seem to be jumping on my every post with venom while other really, really ambiguous titles seem to garner little or no attention at all.

Thus, I've decided at this point that all things must have a beginning and an end and I would suspicion that the end has come. It's been a pleasant ten years. I've made many a new friend from all around this world. I've enjoyed my years of on-going interaction with other steel players and I have learned a great deal. I've always attempted to ad something of value that some members just might find to be worthwhile. I can't begin to thank b0b enough for having made all of this possible. This place to meet with other talented and competant players has been a great and lasting experience.

So I now relinquish any space or bandwidth or whatever that I have so recklessly abused during past years and turn the future over to you. I can think of no better way to start off the new year.

Good Luck! I finally came to realize why so many truly fine musicians have left the SGF never to return again. While I don't consider myself by any stretch to be one of them, I never the less can see what has turned so many of them off during recent years.

Last edited by Ray Montee on 2 Jan 2011 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sonny Priddy


Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 12:33 pm     To RAY
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Sorry To See You Go Ray I Allways Liked Your Post. SONNY.
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Len Ryder


Penticton B.C.
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 12:41 pm    
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Mr. Jones, you sound like if you were being hung, you'd whine if you didn't have a new rope.
Ray, ----- take a deep breath and KEEP POSTING ! ! !
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 12:54 pm    
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Our esteemed sysop b0b has often enjoined us thusly:
PLEASE Use Informative Subject Lines
Trolling with vague Subject lines is strongly discouraged.
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 3:37 pm    
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You've never heard this complaint in ten years? are you sure about that? http://bb.steelguitarforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=144464&highlight=titles

I thought my advice to you was polite, more polite than others have given you in the past, and I truly meant no offense, tho I admit I did have an idea you might react this way to it and for that I guess I'm sorry. If you wanna take your ball and go home I cant stop you, Id prefer if you didnt, just maybe use informative subject titles like the man asks you to instead.
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Larry Baker


Columbia, Mo. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 5:12 pm     Don't Stop
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Ray, it seems like the same people condemn your posts. As someone else said, just set back, take a deep breath, and keep on posting. I talked with you briefly at the St. Louis show, and enjoyed our visit. (My line was, better to be pixxed off than pixxed on) Ray, you just can't make everyone happy. Keep on posting, I'll read them. Larry B.
Mullen G2 SD10 3 & 5 The Eagle
NV112 amp===Earnie Ball V.P.
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J D Sauser

Wellington, Florida
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 5:15 pm    
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Ray, don't go, please.
Yes, SOME of your thread titles are at times somewhat wage. When I see them and wonder "what?!?", I look to the right to find out WHO started the thread and decide IF I will or will not open the thread, et voila.

There are some others who like to create threads with wage or somewhat "simple" titles, especially in the 4-Sale section with titles like "For Sale" Confused or "Steel Guitar" Muttering and one or two who simply write gibberish or other (to me) meaningless stuff. I CAN choose who's threads I look into and who's not.

Your love for Jerry Byrd, I share it... maybe not so exclusively as your or my friend Carl Dixon, well Carl also has the same love for Buddy Emmons. So, I often look into your threads and some I just click away. I am free to.

You are one of our most veteran posters and I am sure MANY here value your input a lot. Maybe those of us who DO, failed to let you know that here and there, but believe me, there would be more who would regret to see you fade away from this board than any who would rejoice. Actually, I seriously doubt that there is anybody who wishes to see you fade away in the cyber horizon. And if there is one, why please them?

I think that the suggestion to post more concise thread titles was made here in a respectful manner... nothing to be offended about. I am sure that in the 10+ years you have been on, we have all seen more disrespectful/harsher and unconstructive remarks... so, don't read something into this which I don't believe was intended and either disregard it or take it as a worth wile to consider SUGGESTION by someone who took the time to post.

Btw... I posted a question to YOU on the recent Speedy West post about the Bigsby SW tunings... I hope you will answer. http://bb.steelguitarforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=112754 on the second page.

... J-D.

Was it JFK who said: Ask Not What TAB Can Do For You - Rather Ask Yourself "What Would B.B. King Do?"

A Little Mental Health Warning:

The uses of Tablature is addictive and has been linked to reduced musical fertility.
Those who produce Tablature did never use it.

I say it humorously, but I mean it.
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Darrell Owens

California, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2011 8:50 pm    
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Back to the original point, I will be glad to help you post on youtube. send me an email.

Zum Steel, Little Walter Amp, Benado Steel Dream
Darrell Owens
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c c johnson


killeen,tx usa * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 2:30 am    
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Skip, I need you, we need you, the whole world needs you. Plese hang on cc
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Bob Farlow


Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 6:40 am    
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Ray, I too have always looked forward to reading your posts. We need you.
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 8:16 am    
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I always value a JD Sauser post but this one really gets to the heart of a typical post, by not only Skip Montee but others as well.

I really didn't understand what Skip was asking except he wanted help for his 'unnamed' friend. I'm certain if we in Texas, or any other state knew to whom he was referring we would have tried to help.

Having said that, I fully concur with what I consider JD's most important sentence:

" I CAN choose who's threads I look into and who's not."

You don't like Montee's posts, just "Skip" on by them. Some of us like them but it's our choice. I really don't see the need for unsolicited criticism or advice on how the man posts. I also notice b0b hasn't jumped in here yet.

And Ray I too, wish you would post the tunings JD refers to in his post.

There are only two defining forces that have offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American GI!!

Think about it!!
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 8:47 am    
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I like Rays post too (some of em) ,and I dont want to "skip" them. I just want a vague notion of what its about without having to open it. Thats the entire purpose of having a thread title n the first place no? Normally I dont comment on the ambiguous titles,but for some reason this particular posts title just prompted my response this time. It seemed like with a better title, he might actually get the help he was seeking and i wouldnt have had to open the thread to find out what it was about, double bonus right? Rays got some stuff to say. I wanna know about alot of it. I dont wanna have to open every last one of his threads to find out if its about Jerry Byrd or not tho. Its wrong of me i guess to ask others for common courtesy. I guess I am just a horrible person for reminding him of what others have asked of him many times before, what our board administrator has asked of him, before me. Horrible.
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 9:01 am    
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Ben I didn't imply you were a "horrible person". I merely stated my opinion and I believe, unless several principles have changed, it is my right to do that. As far as an " implied inconvenience" to finding out what a post is about, it comes down to a simple push of a button on my mouse. I so far have been able to read the first post from someone in order to determine if I want to pursue further. That's what I meant by just "skipping" over any further investigation of what interests me. A simple push of the button. There happens to be a couple of individuals whereby I don't even bother to even push the button. Nothing they have ever posted has given me reason to even listen to what they have to say. Name recognition you know. Have a happy new year and don't get too cold with this weather.

There are only two defining forces that have offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American GI!!

Think about it!!
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 9:28 am    
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Thanks Fred, you too, stay warm.

alot of boards have a feature where when you hover your mouse over the thread title, it displays the first sentce or two of the first post. This is an awesome feature as you can read the entire forum quickly without having to open any threads, then go deeper into htreads thatinterest you, but I guess it is not possible to have that feature on this board .

In the future I will just "skip" Rays threads I guess.
This does a diservice to myself and Ray however.
Even tho I rarely agree with Ray, I AM interested in his perspective on things and I respect his playing ability and his many years of experience. I like to know how and what other people think even if I disagree with them. I love to hear about how things were before my newbish self came along. Theres something there in Rays devotion to the instrument and his idol and the purity of his playing, something I can learn something from...I know it. it will be my loss, but also Rays..fewer people interacting with him is not a good thing for him or anyone who seeks interaction with other players through an internet forum. We come here to share ideas, be entertained, AND to help one another right? More people "skipping" Rays posts is not a good thing for him.

And yes Fred, nothing's changed in that regard, you have every right to voice your opinion and it's an opinion that I respect and am interested in.
Happy new year to you and yours and everyone else on the forum. You too Ray, sorry if I hurt you in any way. That was not my intent, honestly.
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bruce fischer

florissant, mo. 63031 USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 2:23 pm    
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ray, i also would have liked to have had the persons name in the title of the thread. jmho. i have always enjoyed your posts.
sho-bud super pro II, blue darlin' VI
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Bob Vantine


Freeville, New York, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 2:44 pm     Caution Ragging Ahead !
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Content below.....MY OPINION ONLY Exclamation

What about the "diservice" to the rest of us that everytime Mr.Montee posts something we have to read someone ragging on him . Maybe that should be in the subject line ,"Caution Ragging Ahead" .

I've learned who , what & when "I" prefer to read when it comes to posts.If I shy away from a Hankey post{EXAMPLE ONLY- NO OFFENCE MEANT} then that's my choice,problem or whatever . I also think if you are a moderator or b0b you should concern yourself with the duties of corrections ,those & only those .

After viewing this forum on & off for 10 yrs , I decided to join almost a year ago , and for the most part have enjoyed it . I have learned a great deal and made some long lasting ,good friends ....an added bonus I only hoped for . People like Mr.Montee and Mr.Shannon are also another bonus because of their years of experience , talent , wisdom , memories ,and most of all the graceful way they conduct themselves {especially with newbies}. I very rarely come away from these posts with any sense of confusion , aggitation , or any other bad emotion unless it was caused by my own lack of ability to understand , or in this case someone elses agenda to isolate or embarass another forum member .

Mr.Jones ,I am learning to shy away from your posts .Thank you for the learning experience . You have joined the list of people I have learned from .

I also have the choice of e-mail with folks like Mr.Montee or the Byrd music site ,if he should decide to no longer post on the forum , altho I hope that he won't.....that truly would be a diservice !
I'm 52 and been at this steady since I was 17 and have a little experience.....I guess I now have more . Exclamation

Content above ....IS MY OPINION ONLY Exclamation
"TEAK" ZUM STAGE-ONE Steel / C6th Lapsteel
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 3:26 pm    
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I asked nicely the same thing dozens have asked of him in the past, and a hissy fit was thrown. yes, clearly I am the bad guy.

I dont think you even read my posts in this thread in the first place, BoB V. so feel free to continue "shying away" them. Nowhere do I "rag " on Ray, and the diservice mentioned was the lack of communication resulting from the proposed avoiding each others threads, not Rays thread itself. But whatever right?...I am a bad stalker man, hounding Rays every step. Meanwhile other forum members (Eric W .) have been riding him like a jockey for years and y'all say nothing.

btw for every negative post here, Ive gotten a private email of support for it. sorry I said what many of us were thinking, and saying in the forum feedback section for all these years. I should have known it was pointless to do so. I done with this now so you all can have at me. do your worst, Ive got thicker skin than your friend apparently.
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James Nottage


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 4:39 pm     A "Friend" in Texas
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I can't believe that the moderator hasn't shut this down. The whole thing is a bit crazy and does not merit being continued. Too bad the "friend" part does not come through
Clinesmith S-8; Pettingill P6; Rick-Style Vintage 47 Amp
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Steinar Gregertsen

Arendal, Norway, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 5:03 pm    
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This is surreal......

I always open Ray's posts, he's a well of knowledge and hopefully one day some of it will rub off on me.


Exactly where is Ben 'ragging' on Ray or being offensive/insulting when he writes:

"I am not trying to bag on you brother"

"again , no offense meant and happy new year."

Sounds respectful and polite enough to me, this is just one huge misunderstanding and perhaps too much coffee.. [/i]
"Play to express, not to impress"
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Wally Taylor


Hardin, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 6:14 pm    
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Wow, this thread went form 0 to CRAP in 5.2!!! Whoa!
1. Ray, post whatever ya want, whenever ya want, however ya want...It's your freaking post!
2. If people don't wanna read it, then they should not open it.

Hole E. Cow, folks!!! Oh Well Get a grip!!!
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Bo Legg

Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 9:07 pm    
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I wonder given the same situation how Jerry Byrd would have reacted.
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David Wright

Pilot Point ,Tx USA.
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2011 2:03 am    
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Well, you have anther friend in Tx Ray!!.. Winking
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