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Author Topic:  Walker Seats a Hit At Ohio Show
Ray Walker


Smithfield, NC, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2004 7:09 am    
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for such a well reception at the Ohio show last weekend. I appreciate from my heart all of you who stopped to visit at our booth there and for all of you who took home a Walker Seat. The Show that Rick Troyer put on was so very well planned and pulled off that the crowd just came and enjoyed one spectacular event. I want to especially thank the staff...you know...all the guys and gals who made being there a memorable event and pure pleasure. The guys hauling all that equipment around were the best I have seen anywhere. Never complaining but I went out to visit with them several times especially late in the evening and saw that exhaustion on their faces. They put their heart, soul and especially their backs into the whole event and what a group they were. For all of you folks who couldn't make it but heard it on SteelRadio... you know how great the artists were. Debbie and I shook more hands gave more hugs and kisses than ever before. We both thank you so very much for such a great reception from some of the finest folks on the planet. I have lots of e-mails to attend to as I promised and to all of you who ordered those "custom" seats...they will be ready for you this week. Again I want to say thanks to all of you. Let's do it again in 2006.

Ray Walker
Walker Seats
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