Jason Dumont
From: Bristol, Connecticut, USA
Posted 14 Dec 2010 3:16 pm
I 'm certain this is from the same overseas factory as the Republic line of guitars, I own another one and the inlays are the same, the neck is the same, body etc. I bought it from an online store out of Texas. It doesn't have the logo on the headstock.
I put in a Beard cone and a Beard bisquit and set it up. She plays terrific but round neck resos just aren't my cup of tea and it has hung on the wall for the most part since I got it. I did a proper job replacing the cone, by that I mean once the saddle height was set to the right height the saddle was neatly glued into the slot of the bisquit. Then a very small bead of glue was put around the bearing edge of the cone where the bisquit sits and the screw was properly tensioned as per the instructions from the Beard shop.
The difference is dramatic, she sounds fantastic. Then to give it a little flair I had a pinstriper I've worked with in the past do a little embellishment.
Comes with a hardshell case as well. $600 delivered anywhere in the continental US.
If you have any questions let me know.
Thanks |