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Author Topic:  pedal and travel and rod syncronized.
Maurice Daulton


Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2011 8:06 am    
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I have a Shobud pro 3. I took one neck off 25 yrs ago and made a lloyd green out of it. I decided to have the guitar refurbished. It has been polished and dyed that green color. Its really not a Lloyd Green model with the metal neck but it is still a new looking guitar. I had all the rods and undercarriage and changer taken out and soaked in solution for a week and put it back together.
I'm having trouble syncronizing the pedals where they pull 2 strings and lower 2 strings.
Is there a way to set the rods with the nylon pulls at the end of the guitar. I have been told not to tighten the pulls against the changer. Do they need to be snugg against the changer. I guess the springs have something to do with this. I'm trying to adjust the pedal stops underneath the guitar. I just can't seem to get both strings operating the same. One will go too far and the and vise versa. Any suggestions????? Maurice Daulton
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2011 10:32 am    
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there is a way and it's not difficult...but would take alot of words to explain. you could save yourself alot of heartache by just trying to meet someone in your area who could quickly show you the basic setup routine and teach you about it at the same time.
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