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Author Topic:  Dickerson amp/ 2 wire cord
Frank James Pracher

Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 4 Dec 2010 7:17 am    
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I picked up a Dickerson lap steel and amp at a music shop. The amp has a two wire cord and guy at the music shop kept saying that those two wire cords are a "death trap" and he would not ever use one. Over the years I have played lots of amps that had a two wire cord or had the third prong broken. Was I just lucky or is this guy exagerating? I know a fair amount about solid state electronics and would feel comfortable doing basic tube amp repairs, but I honestly don't work on the "other" side of the transformer often.
Do I just put a polorized 2 wire on it and call it good?
"Don't be mad honey, but I bought another one"
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 4 Dec 2010 8:40 am    
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In the "old days" (and having started in Electronics in 1955 it was almost the "old days") everything was two wire. Then along came new electrical codes and the 3rd wire (ground) was added to AC power receptacles and the third wire was added to many electronic devices, to help minizime electrical shock.

I wouldn't call the old two wire a "death trap" but for safety the third wire, ground, should be added.
The ground is connected to the chassis.
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