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Author Topic:  NV 400 Distortion Problem
Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2010 6:33 pm    
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I have an '83 Nashville 400, with a 1502-4 Black Widow (original speaker) and am having a problem with some slight distortion. I had Ken Fox mod this amp a couple of years ago. Up until a couple of weeks ago, this amp has been crystal clear at any volume. I am now noticing some unpleasant interaction with the 6th string and other strings. The 6th string is the only constant in this equation. If I play groups of strings without the 6th string, it's not as bad. I tried changing strings, same problem. c6th neck distorts a little too, but not like the E9th. My guitar player, who stands next to me, can't hear it but a friend in the audience said he could hear it.

Yesterday, I switched my volume pedal from my Hilton to a Goodrich LDR2 electronic pedal. This cleared things up quite a bit, but still have some of the distortion.

A couple of weeks ago, I took the BW out and pulled the magnet off. I cleaned out the voice coil gap, inspected the voice coil to make sure it isn't rubbing the sides of the voice coil gap. There's no rubbing sound in the voice coil/gap when pushing the cone in and out by hand. I am going to put a 1501-4 I have in tomorrow to see if that helps.

I also inspected reverb molex and tightened the connectors and checked components inside the spring unit. Everything looks good.

I tried all different cords from guitar to Vol pedal to amp.

It's almost as if I am overdriving the input of the amp. I will try using the 2nd input jack to see if that helps.

Any other ideas Question Question Question Question
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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Mickey Adams

Bandera Texas
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2010 7:37 pm    
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Richard, the cheap connectors may be a possible culprit. Ken wired my speaker leads direct, as well as the reverb leads. You might also try bridging the effects loop, and the PreAmp out to Power amp in plugs with a small patch cable...Let me know if this has any affect on the Dist problem....Mick
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2010 8:29 pm    
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Hi Mickey. Ken also soldered my speaker connections direct, but I didn't realize he wanted the reverb spring sent with the chassis. I will solder them when I change the speaker. I will try the other patching suggestions. Unfortunately, I live in an apartment and can't really crank up the amp, so I have to test things on the job Whoa! .
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2010 9:23 am    
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The loop jacks can cause that as well. Try a short patch cable from Pre amp out to the Power amp in. Put another int he front from Pre EQ out to Pre EQ in
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 2 Dec 2010 4:37 pm    
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I think I have narrowed it down to my Hilton pedal. When I use my Goodrich LDR2, it pretty much disappears. I tried the jumpers in the effects loop and pre-out and power amp in, and the didn't make a difference. I can't find my soldering gun (packed away in a box and have been too lazy to find it) so I haven't been able to solder the reverb wires. I tried running my guitar through the Hilton and into jack #2 in the NV400, but still had the problem. It's almost as if the Hilton is overdriving the input on the NV400. My Hilton is one after Keith removed the gain pot on the bottom.

Because of the difference between the 2 pedals, I have not tried a different speaker.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 8:16 am    
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"some unpleasant interaction with the 6th string and other strings. The 6th string is the only constant in this equation. "

Is this occurring in all positions on the neck, or only in the "open" position?
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 2:18 pm    
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All positions.

I just did a gig last night with my Goodrich pedal, and everything was OK. That's why I think it is the Hilton. Of course, this may be a coincidence. My amp was spittin' "tone to the bone" last night. Very Happy I'm doing another gig tonight and will try the Hilton first and then the Goodrich to see if it happens.

Is there a way to cut down the output signal on the Hilton? Remember mine has no gain control on the bottom.

Something I forgot to mention, I turned the reverb all the way down, and could still hear the distortion, but I didn't try it with the molex plug removed. Is it possible to pull this plug without hurting the amp?
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 2:27 pm    
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The reason I asked is that a buddy has a Blackface Showman, and the JBL just doesn't like a low F# on a 6-string guitar. So I thought it might be speaker related. So your problem isn't frequency dependent. But, I can't understand why a volume pedal wouldn't "like" the 6th string! Doesn't make sense to me. I probably woulda been lookin' at a defective string, or something rattlin' in the mechanics of the 6th string. I hope your problem is solved.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2010 2:35 pm    
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John, I see your point and I couldn't understand it either. I didn't hear that interference last night. It is possible that it is not related to the distortion problem. I did change strings and it didn't help. Someone emailed me and suggested I try to lower my pickups a tad. Maybe I'll try that tonight.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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Mickey Adams

Bandera Texas
Post  Posted 6 Dec 2010 5:51 am     Hilton
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I too had an issue with a Hilton pedal...The unit worked as advertised for about a month. It would suddenly go into what sounded like a massive short circuit...Im surprised it didn't damage my speaker, I sent it in for repair, but..It never got fixed..
When it shorted Id just STOMP on the thing and it would quit..I finally just gave up on it..The issue I believe were the micro-pots on the PC Board...there were 3 I believe...
2017 MSA LEGEND XL D10, S10, Studio Pro S12 EXE9
Mullen G2, Rittenberry S10, Infinity D10, Zumsteel 8+9
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 6 Dec 2010 11:33 am    
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interesting to hear complaints about the hilton pedal. wasn't it touted as the answer to all vp woes for a long time? i wonder if the 'new answer' to all problems vp, the telonics pedal, is the end-all it's been touted as?
my old pot pedals work fine...and you don't even have to plug them in.
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