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Author Topic:  string gauge & tuning-- effect on tone
Hugh Crumley

North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2010 10:17 am    
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I have a Republic tricone with NRP cones, and I have been playing it in high bass G with (approximately) the gauges recommended in Bob Brozman’s National book (high to low 18-18-27-39-42-49). The other day, I decided to see what high bass A would sound like, so I restrung with 14-17-22-30-36-42, gauges I got from John Ely’s chart.

WOW! That guitar has never sounded so alive, bright and clear. It sings! Has anyone else encountered big tone differences with different gauges like this? A few months ago, I tried out a plain 26 for my third string (in G tuning), and it sounded horrible; a wound string was much better. Maybe the tricone just responds better to certain gauges.

I compared overall tension with an online calculator, by the way, and the new A tuning is lower than the G tuning I have been using: 191 vs 226 lbs.
Hugh Crumley
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