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Ray Riley


Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2010 4:23 pm    
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These are the words. She was just a simple woman from Nazareth , and He was a simple man And he watched as they crowd gathered round her, and they each had a rock in their hand

Someone said she's been called an adulterist
Now master what you think of that?
He just wrote in the dirt with his finger
And he talked to the crowd where they sat

Chorus: Why don't you cast the first stone
If you think you're so hot
and you think she's so wicked
and you think that you're not
Why don't you do something about it, or leave her alone, If you think you're so holy, why don't you cast the
first stone .

He might be just an old drunk in a barroom
He might even step out on his wife
He might even be a different color than you
He may be every thing you don't like
And you may be just another man's mistress
And you never liked that kind
But if you take a good look in the mirror
You might be quite surprised at what you might find.

Chorus :

Thank you for trying. Ray
E-mail with a phone # and I'll play it for you.
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Ray Riley


Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2010 4:21 pm     I'll Bet you
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If I recorded this song,five minutes later I would be defending it in a copy write suit .I have ask any one who has ears if they have heard the song. I have also looked at LYRIC.COM to no avail. Thanks Ray
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