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Author Topic:  Another Tubefex question
Paul O'Bryan

Adelaide. Australia
Post  Posted 10 Sep 2010 6:18 pm    
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My Tubefex just died.I have tried the reset buttons and nothing happens. I turn it on and the screen lights up green with nothing at all on it,and the 4 red lights are on. The clean crunch lead an ultra ones. Then turn it off and back on and it sometimes changes, for instance the screen will light up and have a row of the digital blocks across the top of the screen. The 4 red lights this time are off but 3 or the 5 sets of lights around the knobs are now lit. Turn it off and on again and back to blank green screen and the 4 red lights. No buttons or dials work or change anything. Anyone have any ideas? Confused
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 11 Sep 2010 4:30 am    
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Hi Paul. Does your TubeFex still have a battery in it,
or has it been modified, so it doesn't need a battery.
If it still has a battery, it is probably about dead,or may
be leaking, which can destroy the circut board. Sad Sad Sad
Check it out, and if it is dead or leaking, contact Ken Fox.

Carl "Lucky" Kilmer
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 11 Sep 2010 10:05 am     Tubefex
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After you've visually checked the battery, you can call Peavey Repair Assistance for advice, or send your unit to;
Peavey Service Center
Attn; Repair Department
412 Hwy. 80 East
Meridian, MS 39301

Please include a note of symptom and your daytime phone number.If you can visually see contamination(battery leakage)on the circuit board, it can be cleaned. There is that possibility that the circuit board deteriorated, which may or may not be repairable.

Mike Brown
Peavey USA
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Paul O'Bryan

Adelaide. Australia
Post  Posted 11 Sep 2010 4:05 pm    
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Thanks guys. I know for sure that is has the memory chip in it and no battery. It was done in the U.S before i bought it an got it shipped over here to Australia. And everything worked fine. A tech looked at it near where i live and he said the processor needed replacing. Is this worth doing? Or more to the point, can you still buy these parts? Oh Well
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Paul O'Bryan

Adelaide. Australia
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2010 1:26 am    
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Like i said, thanks for the replys guys but it looks like you cant get Tubefex parts anymore so in the trash it goes.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2010 6:04 am    
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Paul, before you trash it I would put a post in the "wanted to buy" section and see if anyone else has a tubefex that has something else unrepairable but the processor still is good and that way you might be able to put the good processor in your tubefex. I hate to see you trash your unit I know they are old but some of the best pedal steel sounds I've heard come from a tubefex!

I have done some research on the difference between the processors in the tubefex, profex II and the transtubefex and it seems that there are several opinions on the matter leaning both ways.

The only way to find out sure if they use interchangeable processors would be to call Peavey. I won't say either way because I've read from google searches that all are the same and others say all are different Smile Mike Brown would know too but a call to peavey would yield the same answer meaning the truth Smile

If I was a betting man I would bet that at least the tubefex and transtubefex used the same processor but that's just a guess.

I have owned all 4 peavey profex line processors and the tubefex is my favorite out of all of them. The 1st one was the Profex then the profex II next the tubefex and finally the transtubefex at least I think that's the order Smile Good luck

Bob Martin
***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2010 2:14 pm     !!
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I'm here if you need me.
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Chris Sims


Middleburg,Florida, USA
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2010 7:08 pm    
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My TRANSTUBEFEX has had static in it for a year, if i tap the unit it quits for awhile, no biggie since i am a bedroom picker.
Now the audio goes out and you tap it, it works very briefly and won't stay working.
Tonight it quit completely, so off to Peavey it goes.
I've noticed the volume and gain settings go haywire like to 199 or 132 and the unit is not supposed to go over 100.
Turning off the unit helps sometimes except there is no audio at all now.
Mike do you think it can be fixed or are there no parts at all available.
I thought maybe something was loose.
I do still have the battery in it but there is no corrosion, I have cleaned the battery ends before when there was slight corrosion.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 6:25 pm    
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Hey Mike Brown, after rereading my post mentioning you it kind of looked like I could have been being disrespectful to you. Please forgive me if it came across as that because I sure didn't mean any disrespect!

I think I was trying to say that talking to you would be the same as talking to Peavey's repair dept. So again please know I meant only respect for your knowledge about Peavey products Smile It seems that some times I can stick my foot in my mouth even though I have a size 13 EE foot LOL!!!

While I'm posting here will any of the main cpu's in any 4 of the units I've mentioned interchange with any of the other 4 units? (man that was a mouth full huh?) Thanks

***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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