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Author Topic:  IB MA Bluegrass Doings Next Week In Nashville
Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2010 11:18 pm    
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This might be the wrong place for this but anyway if it should be moved b0b, can you do it for me.........................Sept.29, 30th and Oct. 1st and 2nd.
Once a year the IBMA, International Bluegrass Music Assn., has their annual awards show and a whole week of seminars capped by three days of live bluegrass music at the Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn. Everyone on the Who's Who list of bluegrass stars will be there. It's just like the Fan Fair except that the live performances are right there in the Convention Center.
I have use of the Bluegrass Inn on E. Broadway Wed., Thurs., Friday and Saturday. We will be having 16 different bands showcase between noon and 4 p.m. each of those days. If you want to hear Classic Country Music as it was in the very early days, stop in and take a listen. The bluegrass bands have some of the greatest harmony singing you'll ever hear. They also sing many of the early Classic Country songs.
This will be the 5th or 6th year that I have hosted these showcase and they are always a lot of fun with great music in the middle of the day. There is usually lot's of great Dobro playing. No pedal steel and no electric guitar but the music is great.
Dave A. Burley
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