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Author Topic:  Pentatonic scales on E9th
Terry Hickey


Arroyo Grande, California, USA
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2010 4:03 pm    
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I was wondering if anybody knew of a source that mapped out major and minor pentatonic scales for the E9th tuning, particularly in no-pedal and pedal down positions?

Thanks Terry
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Adam Moritz

Cedar Rapids, IA
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2010 6:12 pm     yeah, actually i have
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Here's a chart i put together. I was thinking, not playing, so you may need to double-check this. Top part is the equivalent notes in the scale. The bottom part is the bar/fret positions and the lever/pedal combinations below. This assumes D drops 2 and 9 to C# and E lowers/F raises 1/2. Most notable are the full fret positions of the major root (C) 8th fret, major 4th (F) 1st fret, and major 5th (G) 3rd fret. For this all strings when engaged are in the key of Am/C.
Am\C (Pentatonic)
-  G  -  A  -  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  -  G   
-  D  -  E  G  -  G  -  A  C  -  C  -  D   
A  A  -  C  C  D  D  E  E  -  G  G  A  A
E  E  G  G  A  A  A  C  C  D  D  E  E  E
-  C  -  D  -  E  G  -  G  -  A  C  -  C
A  A  -  C  C  D  D  E  E  -  G  G  A  A
-  G  -  A  -  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  -  G
E  E  G  G  A  A  A  C  C  D  D  E  E  E
D  D  E  E  -  G  G  A  A  -  C  C  D  D
-  C  -  D  -  E  G  -  G  -  A  C  -  C
B  E  F  D  F  B  E  F  D  F  B  F  B  E
   D     B        D  B           A     D       
so, i was working through some phrases on the 6-string guitar and trying to see how i could do them on the psg 10 E9.  I came up with a pretty good set of exercises that I think of as 6_to_10.  Most of them are pentatonic related.  It comes in quite handy when jamming with a blues or rock band.

here's a couple i don't know how it'll post:
Am Blues (descending pentatonic) on 6 string guitar

equivalent phrase on psg (E9)



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Terry Hickey


Arroyo Grande, California, USA
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2010 6:40 pm    
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This is way kool! For some reason I've been struggling converting and playing these on PSG. I have no problem with 6 string, but of course, I had a teacher show me the ropes.

Thanks for taking the time to help.

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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 13 Aug 2010 9:54 am    
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Scott Swartz

St. Louis, MO
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2010 11:23 am    
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There are more pentatonic notes in C at fret 6 available.

Lower E to D# and B to A# and strings 8 to 3 work, and if you can simultaneously lower strings 9 and 2 to C#, then all 10 strings are in the pentatonic scale. Essentially this combines the notes you show ao frets 5 and 6 onto 6 only.
Scott Swartz
Steeltronics - Steel Guitar Pickups
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 16 Aug 2010 12:46 am    
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Scott you are right there are other places to make an Am than what I've shown here.
Bo only uses 3levers and 3 pedals and the tab that I write for this setup, seems to work well with students also.
My doodling was only to show how the scale looked on the E9 neck with no pedals or levers in relation to the basic minor chords on a basic E9 setup.
I did not intend to imply that you should ever play one of those minor chords while using the minor penta scale.
Most of the time Bo is playing a minor penta scale over a major or dom, chord and would never need to play a minor chord just single line notes and double stops that just happen to fall at those positions. Usually if he is going to play a chord it will be a 7th, 9th, 13th etc.
Bo plays a lot of blues in the key of A using the Am Penta scale at the 6th fret with the Es lowered and uses a bar slant back to the 5th fret on the 5th string for the 5 note and moves the bar to the 6th fret while pushing the A pedal which makes a 5 to b7 bend. Bo also plays that same Penta scale at the 11th fret using the lever that raises the Es.
As you can see there are endless Penta scale paths on the the neck.

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