Welp, last weekend I took the big plunge and made my debut as a steel player. Should have heard all those old Lloyd Green licks. Unfortunately, they were all in my head. Anyhow, everything was going along great until local PSG favorite, Michael Garnett, got up on the stage and blew me away. Hey, this is only my first time.
Anyhow, the big new is that after playing guitar for 20+ years I got a job as a sideman on Austin City Limits with a friend of mine, Ruthie Foster. No steel as the LDG was over at Ricky Davis's House of Wood getting one of his miraculous redo’s, I’d definitely recommend him for anyone who wants their steel to play mo’ better. Anyhow, check out http://www.pbs.org/klru/austin/artists/program439.html for your best viewing time. Ruthie should be a major contender after this thing airs. Maybe next time I’ll be posting one for my steel playing.
[This message was edited by Renn Carson on 17 October 2003 at 05:40 PM.]