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Author Topic:  Steel Guitar Teachers & Schools in Mexico & Louisian
Pavel Mikhailov

Moscow, Russia
Post  Posted 17 Jul 2010 1:55 pm    
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As long as this is my first message on Steel Guitar Forum let me introduce myself.

I'm musician, music lover and explorer, independent artist. My journey into the world of music began about 20 years ago then I started to learn how play classical piano. Later it continued in a jazz school where I studied jazz guitar & bass. Learning at the university and by myself I discovered the world of sound engineering and felt into the reality of synthesizers and special electronic instruments and equipment.

During the years I was into very distinct kinds of music - free jazz, experimental and avantgarde music, blues and swing, improvised electronica and ambient, pop music.. playing live and recording with bands or solo, mixing it all together with other kinds of art with various success and being aware that music is in a very strong relations with spirituality.

Last year 2009 during the gigs in Germany I was lucky to get myself a simple pedal steel guitar- it was my old idea to play non-tempered instrument and my friend suggested me to try steel. But then I got back home from Germany, I realized that in my city (with more than 15 million population ) I'm the only steel enthusiast, not to mention that here is absolutely no source of information and no teachers at all..

Actually, journeys plays important role in my life. For last years I've been traveling, playing live and recording music in South Asia, Western and Eastern Europe, Caribbean islands and many other particular places, always getting in touch with local people, trying to learn from the history, art and music, nature and lifestyle of the region..

Don't get me wrong - I'm not a son of millionaire or life waster, but just adventurous kind of person who is in love with music more than with anything else in this world.

At the beginning of fall I'm going to keep on traveling around and this time for some special reasons soon I'll find myself in Mexico city as well as somewhere around Louisiana a little later (New Orleans? Maybe.. ).

The one among those reasons is straightaway - I'm looking for a person or distinctive music school where I can learn how to play pedal steel guitar. And I must say that personal life and music experience of the teacher, manner of playing, lifestyle and charisma are more important than just a playing technique. Actually, everything is very important.

So I'm looking forward to meet with the recommendable teacher, but unfortunately at the moment internet is the only possibility for me to get in touch with him.

I'll be very thankful and of course open to any suggestion and help as well as just an interesting and easy conversation.

It's possible to contact with me here on forums or via this email > tajnost@gmail.com
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