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Author Topic:  My set up when I'm dreaming and when I'm not >>>&g
Mark Greenway

Lake Kiowa, Texas
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2010 6:52 am    
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This is my set up when I am playing in my dreams.

Most expensive Franklin S10 4X6 for Friday nights only.

MSA Millenium S12 that makes David Wright's guitar look like and sound like a good find at a garage sale in the ghetto.

Two Fender Twin Reverb custom 115's

Sarno's Black Box

Buddy Emmon's strings

George L Cables

My clothes made by D2F covers

Shiny chrome volume pedal that shoots out a blue light from the side of it.

Paul Franklin's effects, bar, and picks that he gave me.

I use Tommy White as my tuner

Seat designed and built by Ralph Lauren

When not dreaming and actually playing I keep it simple and use

Early 70's black Emmons push pull 9X8

I use Jim Smith as my push pull engineer



George L cables

Sarno's Black Box


Boss TW-1 T Wah

Emmon's volume pedal

Steeler's Choice Sidekick

Nashville 400 wet

Nashville 112 dry

D2F covers

Jeff Newnam diamond picks (Man, I miss him)
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