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Author Topic:  emmons vol pedal and msa d-10 **help**
Paul Wade

Post  Posted 15 May 2010 9:47 am    
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i want to hook up a emmons vol pedal to used with my msa d-10 .there is a small hole on the pedal bar but, when i try to hook it up there not enough room for movement Question am i missing something to have this work
out???. any of you guy's used a emmons vol pedal with
a older msa d-10 ??? ***help**

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Mike Kowalik


San Antonio,Texas
Post  Posted 15 May 2010 10:54 am     Emmons pedal on a MSA......
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This may work and might not.....first,if you are using an Emmons fixed pin pedal the pin is 3/16ths in diameter....you'll need a bigger hole in the pedal bar for the volume pedal pin to fit. The hole on my Emmons push-pull pedal bar is 5/16ths diameter. Next you'll need a couple of strips of aluminum to make the pads for the feet of the volume pedal. On my guitar they are 2 and 1/8th inches long by 3/4 inches wide.....the thickness is 1/8th of an inch. Attach each strip to the pedal bar with a #8 screw,washer, and nut. The catch is going to be the inside diameter of the U-channel that the pedal bar is made from. On my guitar it's 1 and a half inches.
I've done this mod on Zumsteels before and it's worked great.....never tried any other make. I do know that MSA had their own brand of volume pedal that attached to the pedal bar so that inside diameter may be bigger or smaller than a Zum or Emmons. Bigger is not bad as long as that dimension is not too much bigger....smaller and I don't think you can do it.

You could always go to a Goodrich pedal and the attachment bracket they sell.....it's not as smooth as an Emmons but better than anything else available.

Hope this gives you the info you desire.

But now after reading your post again I think that inside meaurement on the pedal bar is too narrow.....as you say there's " not enough room for movement".
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