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Bruce Bouton


Nash. Tn USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2010 3:36 am    
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Regarding the GAC benefit ........The Nashville Union musicians (house band and many of the entertainers) donated their talents to raise money to all of the victims of the Nashville Flood.
The Community Foundation gives the money to different organizations. For example Second Harvest Food Bank , The Red Cross, Hands on Nashville, The Fire and police Depts would all benefit. Music Cares and the 257 relief fund should also benefit.
It should be understood by everyone that this new ground. Nashville has never had a disaster like this. We're still trying to sort it out together. It's amazingly good the way it's happening. Everyone is reaching out but trust me , it's bad.
I would say it's the biggest loss of musical instruments in history.
Ok , for all to know. The Local 257 fund is available to all Nashville Musicians that have an uninsured loss. UNION OR NOT ! Local 257 will not discriminate among our musical brothers and sisters. As a steel player and 257 board member I can make that promise.

Last edited by Bruce Bouton on 19 May 2010 2:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bob Vantine


Freeville, New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2010 5:33 am    
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Despite my feelings for the "AFM" ,I donated because YOU asked, instead of sending to another organization. In another post I stated I would donate again strictly for NON-UNION help if I knew of such a group .With your above post I've decided to send another donation with the hope that it might balance out .It's not a lot but if it can help it's there .

For years I've enjoyed what you've offered by ways of entertainment and teaching....THANK YOU !

Oh Well Sad ***Bob*** Sad Oh Well
"TEAK" ZUM STAGE-ONE Steel / C6th Lapsteel
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