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Author Topic:  R.I.P. Johnny Maestro
Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2010 6:11 am    
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Another great voice of the 50's Doo Wop era has left us..Johnny was the great voice of the Crest "16 Candles" and later with another popular group the Brooklyn Bridge..Johnny for a time lived up the road so to speak in Hernando beach Fl.. He co owned a recording studio locally in Spring Hill Fl. with Tommy Mara (of the Saints fame) who owns the rights and is currently the lead singer of the rejuvenated "Crest"..Johnny was still making appearances with the Bridge until his illness slowed him down.A very personable person who many times was willing to appear at local fund raisers..A future member for sure of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame..He was 70 R.I.P. Johnny..
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