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Author Topic:  Need Steeler for a New George Strait Trib Band Central FL
David Liebergot


Melbourne, FL
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2010 11:31 am    
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I did this in CA last year (7 member band), but, had to leave before we started gigging near Sacramento, CA. I am interested in repeating here near Orlando. I am located in Melbourne, FL. I would be on vocals, already have @ 30 George Strait songs that I do on my own, gingging in retirement facilities, bars, and fraternal clubs (Elks, Moose etc) so my learning curve is short. I need an experienced steel guitar player before I look for anything else. That was the hardest position to fill in the previous band. Without a committed steeler (it is the core instrument for his music), I doubt that I will try to form a band. I am retired from the USAF, and private industry, so my time is my own to do this. If you are a steeler, or know one who might be interested, who lives nearby, and loves George Strait's music as I do, get in touch. All my info is in my website: mylilbitofcountry.com including phone numbers, and samples of my voice. Looking forward to seeing if this can fly.
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