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Author Topic:  Dual use pedal
Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2010 6:26 pm    
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I have been working on my MSA again and made a pedal so I can change it to work on either neck sepratly . I am doubling my C pedal on the E 9th neck with the standard pedal 8 of the C 6th. I am experimenting on this guitar before I finish my single neck.

I have one knee lever like this working on this guitar and will be doing three more in the next few days.

For now it will have a pull knob on the back apron.

"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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richard burton

Post  Posted 27 Feb 2010 10:10 pm    
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That's a nice bit of lateral thinking, and also well engineered Very Happy
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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2010 5:12 am    
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Thanks Richard

It will be a little crowded under this guitar because of the center brace . I have a later double neck MSA that does not have this center support for the crossrods and it would allow moving the device to the center of the guitar and it would clear every thing better.

The knee lever worked out real well and has given no problems so far. After I get the pedal one gong I may try and come up with one lever to change most of them at one time. At least one knee lever I plan on having 2 E 9th changes on.

My final use of these will be a single 12 that is a little wider than just a single neck. Just wide enought that it should clear good. It will be a 12 string universal and these will change for the most part 9th pedals to 6th pedals.

My limited movement has caused me to think of a way to get as much as possible on as few pedals and knees as possible without just adding all the pulls on to one pedal and it being to stiff.

I had bought a new Williams crossover years ago and really liked the guitar but due to health and finances I was forced to sell it. I guess it was for the best because now the pedals would have been on the wrong end anyway. Now I would be forced with a custom build from anyone if I could afford a guitar. I can't afford a new guitar and enjoy tinkering with making stuff so here I am , at it again .

This has a lot of possable uses in the normal players guitar. One good example is to split the Franklin pedal . I have a knee lever that pulls 1 & 7 a tone and 2 a half tone. I am going to drop 6 a tone as the other pull and I have it so it can do one or the other and also can do both.

Here is a picture of it broke down in parts. I have made some small changes from my first one as you can see on this one. Mainly the roll pin stops , but the idea is the same.

"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2010 7:42 am    
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Modified it so it is more compact and shifted it more to the center of the guitar .I also split the shaft that the pedal hooks to and reconnect it for the back neck. If this works it will take up less space . The lever to change is removed for the pictures . Time will tell .

"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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