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Author Topic:  Bigsby's, Fry Pans, Bakelite B-6 and g'tar stands!
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2010 5:20 pm    
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For the lap steel guys that seem always to be searching for those impossible to find guitar stands
there are TWO (2) now available for auction on eBay.

The first has a high bid of only $28.00 with a buy it now price of $275.00........with less than an hour to go.

Another one, just like it, is at a low bid of $40.00 and seller states a LOW RESERVE.

For that fellow that's ALWAYS looking for a BIGSBY quad or Wright Quad or whatever, there is a definite knock-off of triple neck BIGSBY.........at auction at this time.

For that person that has been inquiring about a JERRY BYRD Fry Pan w/case.........there is one today with the high bid of just $305.00.

A great lookig Rick Bakelite w/case is at the $800
point in the auction.........and a pristine looking Bakelite is on Craig's List out of Tacoma, WA for only $2,000.00

If you're really in the mood to buy, I'd say today just has to be the day you've been waiting for.
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