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Author Topic:  Need Help With Chords
Dennis Hanggi


Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2010 9:40 pm    
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I am a beginning steel player living in an isolated area. I would sincerely appreciate some help with the following issues:

(1) I have purchased Mel Bay's Pedal Steel Guitar Chord Chart (E9 Tuning) by Dewitt Scott, but I can't find chords like A6, Am7, and Dmaj7. Would someone please show me these chords using the same diagramming as in the Mel Bay chart?

(2) Is there anything such as a “Chord Wheel” or “Chord Converter” chart that shows (by chord name) the chord progressions for a song that I want to play in a different key than the key depicted in the sheet music? e.g. what would the chord progression be in the key of "G" for a song whose chords are written down in the sheet music in the key of "F"?

(3) Is there any chart or list that shows chord substitutes that can be played instead of a more complicated chord that often appears on sheet music?

(4) How does one play a chord depicted by x/y e.g. a C/G, C/B D/C, G/F#, Em/D?

Thanks Much,

Dennis Hanggi
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2010 10:03 pm    
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Hi Dennis, check your email.
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