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Author Topic:  Terry Wendt and The NEW "MAG"
Bill Taft


Sturgeon Mo. USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 22 Feb 2003 9:30 pm    
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It's Saturday night here in Missouri about 11PM, and I just got off the phone with Terry after talking about 20 minutes about the new magazine for sale.
His plans were to have the magazine shipped by now, but he said the original 30 page or so magazine has turned into over 50 page's with several folks wanting to get ad's in and a few other things he felt needed to be added, so instead of cutting it short he did the changes and told me he would be shipping everyones new magazine at the end of Feburary which is great.
Also in the mean time about a 150 more people got on the wagon and ordered their new mag. TERRY IF YOU READ THIS I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks For The extra pages in the book.
Bill Taft

Bill Taft- - 98 Lacquer Zum Red&Black 8&8-Two Put together Tele's
1985 Evans FET-500 1975 Session 400 1976 Session 77 LTD Hilton or SHO-BUD pedal and a RV-3!!!!!!!!

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Jim Saunders

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Post  Posted 23 Feb 2003 7:45 am    
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Thanks Bill; I was beginning to wonder. It is late into February, not that we've got a fortune tied up in this venture, but, like you, I want it to succeed.
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