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Author Topic:  Basic C-6th Scale Patterns: Lesson #3
robert kramer


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 16 Jan 2010 7:43 am    
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Last week in Lesson #2 we played a D Minor 7th Scale pattern over a Dm7 Chord to get the sound of the Dm7 Chord. We can also play a Minor 7th Scale over a Dominant 7th Chord and get Dominant 7th Chord sounds. We can do this by taking the 5th scale tone of the Dominant 7th Chord and making the 5th the root of the Minor 7th Scale. For example: F7 Chord = Cm7 Scale. (C is the 5th of F) By substituting a C Minor 7th Scale over an F Dominant 7th Chord we get the following scale tones in the key of F:

Cm7 Scale:::: C - D - Eb - F - G - A - Bb - C
F Scale Tones: 5 - 6 - b7 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -- 5

All these notes convey the sound of an F Dominant 7th chord. (Dominant 7th / Mixolydian Scale = 1-2-3-4-5-6-b7-1)

The first fretboard diagram shows all the notes of the C Minor 7th Scale from the 5th to the 13th fret. (C-6th strings 5-4-3 w/ knee lever lowering 3rd string C to B)
The second diagram indicates the scale tones of these Cm7 Scale notes transposed in the Key of F:

(C-6th w/ knee lever lowering 3rd string C to B)

Now let’s play a C Minor 7th Scale over an F Dominant 7th Chord in a four note scale pattern up and down the fretboard:

(C-6th w/ knee lever lowering 3rd string C to B)

Summary: To play a Minor 7th Scale over a Dominant 7th Chord, take the 5th scale tone of the Dominant 7th Chord and make the 5th the root of the Minor 7th Scale. Example: C7 = Gm7 scale, F7 = Cm7 scale, G7 = Dm7 scale. The Minor 7th scale pattern we are using is easy to locate on the C-6th fretboard because it starts on the home fret of the Dominant 7th chord: Key of C = 12th fret, Key of F = 5th fret, Key of G = 7th fret.

Next week: Gm7 Scale over C7 Chord
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Paul Sutherland


Placerville, California
Post  Posted 17 Jan 2010 9:58 pm    
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Robert: I wanted you to know that I am practicing my scales every day and anxiously awaiting what comes next. I really like the way you are presenting this material. Thanks. Paul
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Joerg Schubert

Hagen, Germany
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2010 2:11 am    
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Hi Robert,
thank you for taking the time and share the lessons with us SGF people. I very much appreciate that.

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