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Author Topic:  Critical Windows and Adobe updates coming on January 12
Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2010 2:29 pm    
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Watch for Microsoft and Adobe updates to be released on this coming Patch Tuesday, which is January 12, 2010.

The Adobe patch will include more fixes for their PDF Reader and Acrobat software. Right now those programs are being exploited in the wild to increase Botnet membership. The exploits use JavaScript vulnerabilities in the PDF programs to force downloads of Trojans, which act as backdoor remote controls.

You may or may not receive automatic notification about the Adobe updates, so I recommend that you visit adobe.com on Tuesday afternoon, or evening and download the latest version of both Flash and Reader. If you also use Adobe Acrobat, use it tho check for updates.

If you have set your Windows computers to automatically download and install important and critical updates, they will be released sometime on this coming Tuesday. As usual, some will require the computer to be rebooted, automatically, after about 20 minutes of the last update being installed. If you are going to be away from your Windows PC on Tuesday, I recommend that you save any documents in progress and close any unnecessary applications. This will avoid data loss, or program corruption when Windows restarts.

Details about the Windows patches to come later.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
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