David Hartley
Posted 15 Dec 2009 10:03 am
Hi, firstly, I must apologise for not posting any CD's and DVD's out since Friday, I am back here at home now so will get on to it tonight. My daughter (my TabMaster) has been in and out of hospital again but she's home now too, (now that we have sorted out the lost keys for her flat!) so things will be moving again on the spreadsheet/.pdf tabbing. I am still trying to get the hang of FaceBook, I have accepted lots of steelie friends, but for some reason, the 'chat' tab doesn't always show, I will try and work that out later. I am steel-less too! The grey Rains was bought by a player in Wales, UK. I still have the use of Keith White's blonde Rains here and his ShoBud LDG is here too. I may do a LG instrumental on youtube while I have it here, I kinda forgot just how good they sound until I played it the other day. I think thats about it, Oh, yes, Together Again DVD tuition is available, I will soon put it on the DHM website, (the printing was done externally and was returned with errors, I should have the corrected prints at the weekend.) Regards to you all, and many thanks for all your comments on the youtube site,they are very much appreciated. I have 160 emails too I have just found out, so I will do my best to reply to them before the weekend. I start a new role with Coca-Cola in the new year too. It took 3 interviews, but I got the job I wanted. After a 3 week training course,, I will be working from home for them doing 'tele-fix' and call despatching etc. That should mean no more time off with back-aches etc.. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas, many regards,
David Hartley |
Bill Stroud
From: Dresden, Tennessee, USA * R.I.P.
Posted 15 Dec 2009 7:12 pm Congratulations
Congratulation on your new job, that's good news.
Got guys wanting the tab on farewell party in the future when you get the chance to make it.
I know you've been busy, hope your Daughter is ok.
Say hello to Fran and the family.
Bill |