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Author Topic:  Warwick Basses behind the scenes
Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 26 Nov 2009 11:25 am    
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The boss of German bass manufacturer Warwick was recently honoured by Bundespräsident Köhler for his achievements:
Making high quality instruments and bringing employment to Sachsen (a state in Germany, with a great tradition for making musical instruments, but not much industry).
In return the president ( here he is more of a representative unlike in other countries) received a bass guitar in black, red and gold finish at the luxurious showroom inside the company's walls.
This event caught the attention of former employees and the local unions. They spoke about their experiences to a big weekly magazine.
Some ex- employees revealed their working conditions, they had a 64 hour week with monthly wages of about 1500 Euros (ncluding health care, other insurances and taxes) which left them 1100 Euros (1650 U.S. dollars) to spend.
There was/is no union allowed in this company.
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