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Author Topic:  Massbash a Huge Success
Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2002 1:49 am    
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For those who paid $7.00 to see a great show, that turned out to be a greater than ever show, I say thank you for your keen judgment and participation. It was a show that I would take anywhere. I am abundantly confident that the talented, and able musicians, coupled with the promotion that was seen at AmVets, could entertain audiences in any music hall in the Northeast. The show revived a feeling deep inside, that made my heart warm, and magically restored memories of the pleasures; in bygone years. I want to show my appreciation to everyone at this time for the great efforts made last Sunday, Sept. 29, at AmVets, in Chicopee, Ma. to carry on a tradition that celebrates steel guitarists, and focuses on their extraordinary musical accomplishments.

Bill H.

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Doug Beaumier

Northampton, MA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2002 7:02 am    
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The Bash was a lot of fun this year. We had a great turnout and heard many fine performances. I got to play my 4-neck Fender stringmaster at the show this year and that was pretty exciting for me! The backup band (Dooley Austin) was excellent.

My Site - Instruction | Doug's Free Tab | Steels and Accessories

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Rob Hamilton

Acton, MA, USA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2002 7:04 am    
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It was a great show. I had a great time and so did, I believe, the couple hundred or more other attendees. Thanks again Bill, Doug, all musicians, and the AMVETs Hall staff for your efforts. Fantastic.

Rob Hamilton

Sho-Bud Pro-I, '62 Fender Vibrolux
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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2002 11:25 am    
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I forgot how good Joe Casey was until he did " I just destroyed the world with the guy from Texas. It was like a record being played.
Umm Myron, the guy from Texas would be me. I too had a great time, especially seeing some friends I hadn't seen since moving from there 22 years ago.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2002 11:32 am    
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"I just destroyed the world with the guy from Texas."
I thought that was a quote from Dick Cheney! (Oops; misplaced political humor?)

ANYWAAAY... thanks to Doug, Bill, and all the organizers for another great show. All the players were terrific. I especially enjoyed having a chance to hear Dana Flood, who plays beautifully. Jim Smith's set was also outstanding. I'd better not go on naming any more names, lest I leave someone out, cuz they really were all superb and different.

I enjoyed the crowd too; they seemed to really be having a great time and didn't even seem to mind when I played Thelonius Monk, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis. Now, that's a good crowd!
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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2002 8:53 am    
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Forum members,

I'm just curious, did anyone take note of the guitarist who backed Frank Caruso at the "Massbash"? He played a thin body with a gold plated Bigsby. He sounded a lot like the late Chet Atkins.

Bill H.
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2002 9:47 am    
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Well I'mmmm Baaack.Seems like I was six days on the road.The Bash was a total success thanks to some very hard work by people who have yet to be named. Let's start with Joey Baer a great talent in his own right who set up and donated the P.A. System. Steve Richards who ran around helping anyone who needed it and was one of the let's do it for Bill Guys who got this years Bash on the road. Doug Beaumier who used his influence and knowledge to get the players and also do a great show of his own.And last but not least Bill Hankey who for 19 years organized and ran successful shows until his health kept him from continuing. My big thrill was to ride up with old friends Smiley Roberts and Tex Whitehead.Smiley didn't get to do the complete show he had planned.(a few Ray Price songs featureing some guy from Florida I forget his name also were planned)It would have been nice to let him finish his set before people wanted to jump up and do request.He was relagated to backing up rather than finish his show. Other than that Jim Smith helped charge my country batteries by including me in his set as did Frankie Caruso,Jerry fessenden and Smiley Roberts who also had plans for me we did do one song. My main goal was to accent the steel guitar and the players who make them sound phenominal.Jim Cohen was just plain what you can always expect from Jim Cohen,Fabulous.Jimmy roule well if it's possible to say that this kid is amongst the best I have ever heard well I've said it.And for Doc Peters to drive up from tenn. to surprise me ,that was out of this world and to have him with me and smiley on the same stage again it will take me a lot to come down off this cloud. Seeing Pee Wee Gokey again and everyone that came out in general I will never forget...I know this function was a financial success for someone,and it was nice to know that Bill Hankey didn't have to dig in his pocket to pay the band,advirtising,phone bills that were large.Although he did pay to get in the event that he started 20 years ago..It was great working with and being with great musicians..My thanks to the greatest Smiley Roberts for sharing his vehicle buying me three hot dogs in Wheeling and for the friendship I cherish most. And I'll never find the right words for Doc Peters and his pretty lady who drove up and surprised me...sure makes a person feel it was all worth the years past.And lets not forget another player guitar that is Russ Bennett played with frankie Caruso.And yes Bill there is some Chet Atkins in Russ.


[This message was edited by Joe Casey on 03 October 2002 at 11:03 AM.]

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Leigh Howell

Edinburgh, Scotland * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2002 10:51 am    
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Well said Joe!! And though I was'nt there I can relate to what your saying. I actually think that Bill Hankey was probably one of the first to have a jam that showcased the Steel Guitar. I really wish I could have Seen, and heard, Smiley, Doc, and you on the
stage again. I dont suppose anyone taped the proceedings?

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Doug Beaumier

Northampton, MA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2002 8:09 pm    
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Thanks Joe, yes, that was very well said. I saw so many musicians at this year's Bash that I have not seen in ages... Pee Wee Gokey, Shorty Gagne, Russ Bennett, Greg Dwinelle, and many others.
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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2002 3:10 am    
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The battery of guitarists, supporting the steel guitarists, jounced the stability within me whenever they "cut loose" with their voluminous note patterns. Allow me to say, whenever Bobby Sweet Jr.,and Jimmy Roule Jr. are combined to back steel guitarists, the attendees are in for a show of excellence. Guitarist Mike Ihde has provided us with indispensible technical assistance throughout, and his jazz oriented leads have become popular at steel guitar celebrations. My eyes are always glued to his fretboard. Mike has kept the Bill Levitt (sp.) tuning for the lap steel, and has offered
recorded material to assist interested musicians. His lap steel
arrangements will quickly bring forth the realization that he is a definate upper echelon musician.

"Doc" Peters made the trip from Nashville. He provided back-up harmony, and superb guitar leads during the show, that blazed new trails into the uptempo category.

Russ Bennett was there, and demonstrated what can be done with a gold plated Bigsby. I wish time would have allowed him to do a Chet Atkins medley. Russ plays a dbl. 10 Emmons, and is known for his guitar work in the Boston area. Before "Rocky" Stone joined Mickey G.'s band, Russ spent some time with him recording. He was a nominee for guitarist of the year in the eighties, for the Boston, Ma. area.

Bill H.

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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2002 4:51 pm    
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I ole two finger typing joe didn't mean to exclude anybody in my first post.I simply thought it was getting too long and windy but let me make up for the gentleman I didn't mention....YET. TERRY SUTTON and his band were great as I expected. They caused people there to run to the Manager and find out if they would book them at that club..Bernie Palka who always will remain my favorite Drummer and who worked for me for years showed up,Greg Dwinelle,who played Bass for me along with some great guitar for years.DANA FLOOD where did this guy come from? He's no secret now fantastic.Pete Adams and the Dooley Austin Band featuring Bob Sweet(Mr. Backup)Doug Beaumier well this guy showed up with 4 neck Fender or was it five? In any case he started the show first on and everyone witnessed why he is considered one of the greats..And the "Who the Hell is" Sam Gibson showed everone who he is with an aray of versitility and gadgets that had the crowds attention.....If only this show could ever repeat itself next year ,it's gonna be a hard act to follow.Dick King excellent job.With of course the addition of Leigh Howell. I'd pay to see that.You know what I had the best seat in the House.

[This message was edited by Joe Casey on 04 October 2002 at 06:00 PM.]

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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2002 2:46 am    
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Joe C.,

It may appear as though to some, that we might have overlooked someone who was part of the enormous group of entertainers.
I know that you're not capable of, nor do you ever cut anyone out of the credit line. That is one of reasons I feel secure during Bashes knowing that you are a big fan of steel guitarists, and never hesitate to make it publicly known.
Your admiration for Smiley Roberts proves 100 times over, that your musical tastes are where they ought to be. Smiley is nothing short of the accomplished musician we strive to be.
In all of the hustle and bustle, of the steel guitar Bashes, which has been typical, due to limited time schedules, new thoughts have occurred to me. Steps will be taken to head off anything that prevents or interferes with a
steel guitarist's desire to carry out his set according to his wishes or plan. One important characteristic of the "Massbash", is that I will stress openly that each steel guitarist who performs, is totally in charge during his set. He/she may make choices that will ultimately allow them to perform unrestricted.

I will salute "Rick", the drummer at some point. We're not about to become remiss, and fail to mention his efforts to help us maintain the success of past shows. "Rick" has a great voice, and he shares in the vocalizing in the "Dooley Austin Band". He played last Sunday, at AmVets, in Chicopee, Ma. where we celebrated our 20th Annual Steel Guitar "Bash".

Bill H.
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Steve R


Chicopee, Ma.
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2002 3:16 am    
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I'd like to thank Joe C. for putting up with Smiley all the way from Tenn. (I'd like to been a fly in that car ) The show was a total sucess ! It was great to see all the players that showed up. If I can figure out how to do it I have many pictures from the show .........:eek :
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Steve R


Chicopee, Ma.
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2002 3:18 am    
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I'd like to thank Joe C. for putting up with Smiley all the way from Tenn. (I'd like to been a fly in that car ) The show was a total sucess ! It was great to see all the players that showed up. If I can figure out how to do it I have many pictures from the show ......... And Joe let's not forget
Timmy Cole and his Dad who showed up also...

[This message was edited by Steve R on 05 October 2002 at 04:28 AM.]

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Smiley Roberts


Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2002 9:25 pm    
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This show was a double "hoot" for me,in the fact that,I got to work w/ my ol' pal Joe Casey,(which is ALWAYS a "kick"),& I got to visit w/(& pick for) my hometown relatives & friends,that I haven't seen in years.
I just hope that Bill Hankey can carry on this New England tradition for,at least,another 20 years. Thanx Bill,for your support of our wonderful instrument.

I,also,got to help celebrate my uncle's 95th birthday. This guy is pheeno...feenom....AMAZING!! No cane,no walker,still drives his own car,mind like a steel trap.

  ~ ~

©¿© It don't mean a thang,
mm if it ain't got that twang.
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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 12:14 am    
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Thank you for your input. There are two things that I'm sure of in this world. Your uncle is an inspiration to those who are trying to maintain good health, and your level of accomplishment with the steel guitar. You have restored much enthusiasm in steel guitar circles, where hope often wanes while reaching for a more advanced style of playing the instrument. The Annual Massbash is an excellent proving ground for observers, musicians, and clientele to ascertain who's who in the advancement of steel guitar, as the event visually presents a close-up view of entertainer/management integrities. This is what determines our quest for betterment, in the interest of all, who enjoy the great entertainment that exists, when steel guitarists share their music at the Annual Celebration.

Bill Hankey
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 10:59 am    
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Myron I simply think the positives out weighed the negatives. First and foremost Bill Hankey was just unable because of his Eye surgery and recovery time to organize the twentieth show. Thanks to Steve Richards ,Jimmy Roule who put the Idea up in front of Doug Beaumier to not let this great event skip a beat. I was thrilled when they asked me to MC the event.And it was great it was held in an area where I played for many years..There were so many old friends that showed up and they took one whole side left of the bandstand.This year Bill could sit back and enjoy the fruits of his 20 years of bashes.What ever negatives there were Bill had an excellent seat to observe and correct.He has informed me he is already gearing up for #21..Where it will be held is the only uncertainty But that one will be held that is for certain.And for certain this one was among the best.I had one great Battery recharging time. Now I have hopes to go to Dallas in March with Smiley once again...So Jim Smith be fore-warned.....


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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 11:09 am    
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I just want to add : Can anyone measure how much this great Forum helped the success of the Bash? It sure made it easy to get in touch with players,and those who were organizing the event.Once again the Forum shows it's great value to the Steel Guitar growth and Popularity..Certainly Bob Lee along with Bill Hankey are worthy of St. Louis.More than just my "Humble" opinion.


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Jerry Brightman

Post  Posted 9 Oct 2002 9:58 am    
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I heard a lot of nice things about Dana Flood and his set. Dana played acoustic guitar with me in St. Louis and I was real glad he was there...

Looking forward to doing a show with Dana in the near future....How about a CD from you Dana????

Jerry http://www.slidestation.com
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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2002 12:29 am    
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Jerry B.,

It was an inspiring experience watching Dana Flood perform at our 20th Annual "Massbash". His sound is very rich, and played with an expert touch. I'm hoping for a return visit, and performance at next year's "Massbash".

Bill H.
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2002 5:46 am    
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Bill It would certainly be nice to have Jerry play at one of the bashes. Jerry has a new CD out and he might just bring some of his old BUCK OWENs stuff with him. Jerry labored for years as a Buckaroo. JERRY: I accidently deleted your E-Mail address if you could E-Mail me so I can get that picture of a Young J.B. wih Buck to you.Oops I went through old mail and found it. I'll send that picture today and more after i make them bigger. Joe


[This message was edited by Joe Casey on 11 October 2002 at 07:02 AM.]

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Dana Wayne


Jacksonville Fl.
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2002 4:18 am    
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Bill and Doug, really enjoyed performing at your show. It's great to see so many fans and players supporting "steel guitar" in new england.looking foraward to next year's show. thanks Jim and Bill, for the kind words. Dana Flood

[This message was edited by Dana Wayne on 17 October 2002 at 05:19 AM.]

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Bill Hankey

Pittsfield, MA, USA
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2002 5:09 am    
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The moment you walked through the AmVets door, I became aware of your professional demeanour. Your contributions made in the interest of the steel guitar, I feel, are unsurpassed. Your performance at Amvets was exceptional, and has produced an excitement among steel guitar enthusiasts. Many players dream of reaching your level of achievement with the steel guitar.

Bill H.
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