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Author Topic:  Vote Early, Vote Often!
Chuck Stowe

Sycamore, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2009 7:37 pm    
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Hi All,

I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but I'm playing pedal steel guitar with a guy named Brian Lavender. He has managed to get his video on the CMT contest "Music City Madness" Basically people vote every week for the person they like best in each bracket until it is down to the final one in December.

I went into the studio with Brian and the band (Whiskey River) We recorded this original song. He had it mixed and then we shot the video.

If you get a chance go to:


Click on Jewel (She's the blonde in the middle for those of you who are out of touch.) It will run you through a 10 second commercial then show you the brackets. Click on Brian Lavender and then please vote for him. After you do that you could even check out some of the others and vote if you want. When you are done click on "Submit Your Votes" located below the brackets and then confirm you want to submit your vote.

You can do this as often as you like, CMT doesn't care!

Now, why should you do this? First and foremost, it appears to be the only video in the contest (at least this bracket) with a pedal steel guitar. That alone should honk off the people who run CMT nowadays if it does well. Do it to spite them! It may not be what you and I consider to be a country song, but what on country radio today is?

Secondly it would be kind of fun to see something I'm involved in do well.

So join in the Chicago spirit and vote early and often. Every week or two they will do eliminations and we have to do this all over again.


1980 Emmons PP D10, Hilton Pedal, Peavey Session 500 & Nashville 112
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sullivan mo u.s.a.
Post  Posted 22 Oct 2009 4:33 am    
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Very good Chuck you got my vote

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