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Author Topic:  Share your V-amp settings
Shaun Swanson

Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2009 12:23 pm    
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I double on keys, and to save on equipment I'm experimenting with playing my steel through a V-amp2 into a keyboard amp. It's been hard to find nice clean settings, but I'm making some progress.

Searching the archives I've found that a few others here have tried V-amps for steel. I thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to V-amp settings.

I don't want this to become a thread about how this is an untraditional setup, or about how the POD is better. Lastly, since the V-amp doesn't have numbers around the dials, please describe you settings compared to a clock.

To get the ball rolling...
I'm going from guitar, to volume pedal, to V-amp2, to keyboard amp.

I have the unit in L1 (live) mode. The overall EQ is maxed out on all dials.

The specific amp settings are:
Clean V-amp, cabinet # 15
Gain 10 o'clock
Treble 11 o'clock
Mid 2 o'clock
Bass 5 o'clock
Reverb 10 o'clock
The effects is set to Delay and the effects level is at 11 o'clock.

I'm sure I'm missing something, but thats as much as I understand about this unit right now. I get a nice full tone with some bite and useable headroom. I can hear the different tones in the chords. There is a little crunch playing high pitched chords, but nothing horrible.

If you use a v-amp please share. Thanks.
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