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Author Topic:  Furman EO
dana Murphy


clarksburg wv usa
Post  Posted 16 Oct 2009 11:42 am    
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I have a furman PQ 6 EQ enyone use this ; would like setting.s for one thanks
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robert kramer


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2009 8:42 am    
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These settings would be in the ball park for the EQ on the Peavey steel guitar amps which you could apply to your Furman EQ to get a steel sound:

Low: Frequency: 60-80
Bandwidth: 3:00 O’clock
EQ: +6

Mid: Frequency: 800
Bandwidth: 3:00 3:00 O’clock
EQ: -6

High: Frequency: 2000
Bandwidth: 3:00 O’clock
EQ: +3

(You will have to adjust the Furman Gain control in tandem with your amps Gain control to get the level you want with the least noise)

Here’s one method to determine the EQ for your specific guitar:
(1) Set all controls straight up flat.
(2) Turn the Low EQ all the way up (+20)
(3) Sweep Low Frequency until you find the best sound
(3) Return Low EQ to flat

(4) Repeat steps with the High EQ

(5) For Mid Frequency you want to sweep to find the worst sound because this is the Frequency you want to cut.

Return everything to flat and then turn the Lows up to right before it gets “woofy.” Turn up the Mids to add the amount of ("color," "grind," "sandpaper") you want. Turn the Highs up to where they cut through the Mids.

For reference, here is a survey of Peavey amp EQ centers:

Session 400/LTD:
Low 50K
Mid 300-1K
High 2K
Presence 8K

Nashville/Vegas 400:
Low 60K
Mid 150-1500K
High 2K
Presence 5K

Low 80K
Mid 300-1K
High 2K
Presence 8K

(Does anybody know the EQ of a Fender Twin Reverb?)

Emmons is pictured with a single rack space Furman EQ and a Session 400 on the “Minors Aloud” LP. Did he have the Furman before or after the volume pedal? Try both.
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