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Author Topic:  PG music products and what they can do........
Robert Tripp

Mesa, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2009 8:30 am    
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I thought some of you may be interested in this. I do a lot of track building. As a result, I often use midi, and or real tracks, or sometimes play live.

PG music has several products other than BIAB. I use quite a few of them and they are all top notch stuff for the money. You really don't need to invest an arm and a leg into Pro Tools, or other high end systems, once you learn how to use the PG stuff.

Here is a song I did that started as a midi, then went to PG PowerTracks. A somewhat laborious process of tweaking various tracks, doing vocals, adding harmonies etc, but it was all done in PowerTRacks.

Even the original wav file was made in PT. The final Mp3 conversion was done in Audacity, although it could have been done in PT as well. Give it a listen, and let me know if you have any comments.



I might be a beginner now, but someday I'm gonna steel the show.
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Bent Romnes

London,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2009 3:53 pm    
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Robert that sounds great! So you did everything here? The lead singing, the programming in BIAB, the harmony, all the instruments, the actual tracking? wow. Could you estimate how many hours this took from start to finish?
BenRom Pedal Steel Guitars
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Robert Tripp

Mesa, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2009 8:41 am    
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Hi Brent,

Thanks for the reply..

Like I mentioned, the basic notation was from a midi file, (not an original). I added an intro, with a midi guitar part, did the lead vocal with my studio mic, added harmonies with a harmony generator and then change a few midi patches and converted the midi instruments to audio thru the PowerTracks program. Then I was able to ad audio FX to each of the audio tracks such as compression, delay, reverb etc, and did a basic mixdown. I did not do a complete mastering of the whole mix as this was just an excercise of exploration, but I was pretty happy with the outcome thus far.

I worked on it in between other projects a few minutes at a time, but if I had done it start to finish it would probably take 4 to 5 hours or there abouts.

Glad you enjoyed it, I'm starting to develope a whole new appreciation for this type of music.


I might be a beginner now, but someday I'm gonna steel the show.
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