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Author Topic:  Hint #104. most problems can be fixed in PREF
Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 7 Sep 2009 7:59 pm    
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I share this with you to save you from crashing your computer and messing up your BIAB configuration trying to solve a problem you think is with your Wav driver and then find out that you only need to make a PREF change for just this one song your working on. I sadly know from experience

When you want to save your real track to Wav you click on “MID” in the “SAVE, SAVE AS, MID, WAV” portion of the toolbar in BIAB. This will save the midi to midi and the real tracts to a separate WAV file.

If your song doesn’t have drums such as in blue grass styles this method will only save the midi and no WAV file with real tracks will be made.
The Wav file is saved as a “ _RealDrums” file so your song has to have Drums or it can’t be saved in this method as a Wav.

The solution to this is to add real drums and then mute them and then save by clicking “MID” and a Wav file will be made. Hint, I suggest that you save it to your desk top and then move it to a folder (this will save you a lot of time hunting for it after you save it)

To add real drums click on “PREF” and then click on “RealDrums” then click on “For this song only use this RealDrum style” then click “RD” and chose a style you think will be compatible (it doesn’t have to be real close because your going to mute it anyway so don’t choose anything higher than 3/5) Then click “OK”.

Go back to your song and click on play and if you did it correctly the Drum in your list of instruments should now be green. Mute it and now it should be red. You should now be in business. Click on “MID” and change the name and save it to your desk top and WOW the WAV file should be there.

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Marmora, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 8 Sep 2009 4:55 am    
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Let's simplify adding Real Drums to your open BIAB file, if it doesn't have Real Drums or for that matter, even if the style does have them and you want to change them. Right click on Drums, then click on Add/Remove Real Drums, then select the drums you want to try from the list that opens.

Doing it like this, you can always go back and re-click and regenerate drums if you don't like the particular drums you picked.

Further to this, you can also add Real Track instruments to a style that doesn't have any by doing the same thing. Right click (on guitar) for example, then click on "Add/Remove Real Tracks" and select the Real Track instrument you want to use.

When you save as midi, the Real Track instrument will be saved in the same .wav file as the Real Drums.

If you save the BIAB file, it will be saved with the Real Drums and Real Tracks you may have added to the file.

You don't have to mute the drums or whatever for the program to generate the .wav file. When the box opens after you click on Save to midi, Click on Options and at the bottom of the box that opens, click the box that says "also generate Real Drums and unclick box "also generate midi drums".
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 8 Sep 2009 11:20 am    
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Graham Your right and that's good info.
I muted the drums because I didn't want them and I also didn't need to get a good match for this reason and that saves some time. This was in regards to Bluegrass styles which have no drums and because of that they don't save the realtracks to a wav file using the "MID" to save. I had to add the drums and then mute them to save the bluegrass Wav I wanted.
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