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Author Topic:  looking for Ernie Martinez
Chuck Cusimano


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2010 3:53 pm    
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Howdy, I'm looking for a steel player named Ernie Martinez from the Denver area. He played on my Western Swing recording session in Colorado Springs back in 1997, (I think). I want to send him a copy of the project. Also on the session was my old friend Joe Stephenson on the fiddle. He used to play with some "Chuck Wagon" kind of deal, and I want to make contact with him also. If you happen to know them, please ask them to get on my web-site www.chuckcusimano.com and let me know where they would like the cd's sent. Thanks everyone!! Chuck Cusimano

P.S. The CD is being manufactured as I write this.
The Title is, "Swing Me A Song"
Also on the recording were, Floyd Domino, Billy English, Stan Lark, Ken Campion, Jeff "Stick" Davis, and my self. It was recorded at Kenny Penney's Studio.
They call it FILL 'cause it goes in the holes. Don't cover up the singer.
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Chuck Cusimano


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 14 May 2010 2:06 pm     Thank you Chuck L.
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Thanks to Chuck Lettes, I've just spoken to Ernie, and He's going to help me find Joe Stephenson.

That's what I love about this forum, Sooooo many helpful people! Thanks ya'all!!! Chuck

P.S. If you're not familiar with Ernie Martinez, He can sure fit the bill, He plays just about anything needed playin'! Catch his gig if you get a chance.
They call it FILL 'cause it goes in the holes. Don't cover up the singer.
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