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Author Topic:  Registry Changes
Cass Broadview

Post  Posted 17 Aug 2009 8:00 pm    
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A simple question about registry changes. Are there any rules to follow as far as allowing changes? I have this music recording program i have been using for the past 3 years. I just updated this program, it added more features etc. Now the stupid program every time i exit and close it, i get a McAfee pop up asking me to allow a change to my registry. Is this normal? Any rules to follow here?? what is normal, and why does McAfee ask?? Whoa!
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John Cipriano

San Francisco
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2009 12:17 pm    
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There are various things that can be called the program's "state", and this extends to things like user preferences or just the size and position of the window. They have to be saved before the program closes so that they will be the same when you open the program.

It's important to know what program it is (is it trustworthy?) and what part of the registry it's trying to access (just its own section, or something more global?).

But the fact that this happens right when you close it leads me to believe that it's something to do with the program's state and is therefore harmless.

The other thing is that it's possible that someone hit "allow" for this program at some point in the past but now that the program has updated, this needs to be done again.

What program is it?
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Cass Broadview

Post  Posted 19 Aug 2009 8:52 pm    
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Hi john thanks for your reply. It is a program put out by GoldWave Audio Editor. Just simple mixing software. I may have hit allow before and didn't this time. I do trust the program. But with so much virus stuff going around one never knows. I hit block for the registry change, and the software still works like it did. So i'll just leave it alone for now. Just wish i knew when to allow and when not to. Maybe like cookies, i should always allow a change. Thanks much. Cass
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