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Author Topic:  Masonic brethren, my lodge has been devastated
Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2009 7:17 pm    
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I've had some significant friends pass away in the last month but this past week has been exceptionally bad.

Last Monday, Memorial Day, the long-time Treasurer of Onion Creek #220 AF&AM, Austin Texas, Larry Mathews passed away suddenly after arterial surgery. He was 66 years of age, retired AirForce, Past Master, and treasurer for 19 years. I sat next to Larry in lodge when I was chaplain of the lodge. He was one of two men that helped me with my esoteric work.

At the funeral last Thursday, which was attended by many brethren of course, I saw Terry Russell, retired Air Force, the 25-year secretary of the lodge, Past Master, and my dearest friend in the Lodge who did the majority of my Masonic instruction. A brother, and a true and trusted friend. He was visibly shaken by Larry's passing, as was I. He told me he was here to say farewell to his old friend. As we stood and prayed over the open casket, he said "Okay buddy, see ya over on the other side."

This morning over coffee and the newspaper, my wife said "Terry Russell, he's one of your friends, isn't he?" Then she handed me the obituary section of the paper.

Terry Russell passed away yesterday, one week after Larry Mathews.

These men were pillars of the Lodge. I don't know who's going to fill their shoes with their duties, or take their places in my heart. But I do know that Onion Creek Lodge #220 will never be the same for me. We're making many Masons there, but somehow... well, I just don't know.

Two brethren traveling on that Level of Time, to that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveler returns.

So mote it be.
My rig: Infinity and Telonics.

Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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Larry Hamilton


Post  Posted 2 Jun 2009 7:22 pm    
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Herb, I understand. Our lodge, Palo Duro #1239 lost several of our old time pillars of the lodge. As luck would have it we have been having a growth spurt and many of them have many years to serve in some capacity and better yet, they want to.

My condolences to you and your lodge.

So Mote It Be
Keep pickin', Larry
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Rob Parker


Paducah, Kentucky, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2009 7:36 pm    
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Mr Herb,
My dear friend, I share your pain and heartache..It is tough to lose a good friend, and these men seem to have been an important part in your life.
My our Great Healer hold you and your friends in His loving hands, and bring to you peace and understanding.
Your old Kentucky Hillbilly buddy.
Peace and comfort to you and your family, and family of friends,
RP...'come on in'...
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Jody Sanders


Magnolia,Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2009 8:34 pm    
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Herb, I am so sorry to hear this. It is hard to see a brother go. I received my 40 Yrs. award 3 Yrs. ago. So I have seen a lot of our brothers pass. Each one seems to bring more sorrow than the last. May GOD bless, comfort, and keep you and your lodge brothers now and ever more. Jody.
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Calvin Walley

colorado city colorado, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2009 9:10 pm    
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i haven't been to my home lodge in many years (fuller 515) but even then we seemed to be losing members fast, so i understand what its like to watch the membership pass on. i am sorry for your loss

proud parent of a sailor

Mullen SD-10 /nashville 400
gotta love a Mullen!!!

Guitars that i have owned in order are :
Mullen SD-10,Simmons SD-10,Mullen SD-10,Zum stage one,Carter starter,
Sho-Bud Mavrick
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2009 10:23 pm    
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Hey man I don't normally chime in on these kinds of threads but I gotta say I'm with ya buddy on this one. I know how that kind of loss feels. Unfortunately it appears to be the way of the world.
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John Floyd


Post  Posted 3 Jun 2009 1:23 am     Brother Herb
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We are Getting to that point when the Stronger Leaders in our Masonic Fraternity are getting to that age (upper 60's and beyond) where they are called upon to put down the working tools of life. If they have done their Job Well, Then There will be others to follow and attempt to take up where they leave off.
I have watched a few older brothers carry my lodge for the past 8 or 9 years and now there seems to be a renewed interest in Freemasonry in this part of the country. We not only have a record number of candidates this year, but instead of one or two brothers doing the coaching, we have an increased number of coaches available. Something has Changed in the past year and its for the better. There seems to be a renewed interest in The Craft.

As Said Before:
My condolences to you and your lodge.

So Mote It Be

John Floyd
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Laurie Ayres

Riverview, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2009 2:12 am    
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Herb: Roy & I are so sorry to hear that you lost your friends. As we all near that time and see so many of our loved ones "go home" it's hard to loose them. Only God knows why & when but my Pastor told me once, "God only calls you when your work is done" the only problem is the ones left behind. When I widowed at 31 & my husband lay struggling for me in ICU, I finally knew I loved him enough to let him go. So, I told him, "it was ok, if he could live, fight but if not, I would go on with our children". When I told him, he mouth "I love you" and he died later that day. We have to love enough to let them go home. Very hard to do but you & I know we will see our loved ones again, just as you will. They are ok, it's the ones left behind that hurt. We will pray for your comfort and peace. We have lost so many lately, hard to bear. We will see you in St. Louis Herb, then I will give you a big hug. You have a special place in our hearts. God's Blessings, Laurie
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Joe Rouse

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2009 3:48 am    
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My Worthy Brother,
I feel your sorrow and pray the Grand Architect of the Universe will comfort you and all the friends, Brothers and families of our Worthy Brothers who have crossed over to "that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveler returns."
Brother Herb, you are truly a Worthy Brother to honor these men as you have in this message.
Joe Rouse
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Jack Ritter


Enid, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2009 5:44 am    
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Sorry to hear of this important loss to you and your lodge. They will be sorely missed by you all.
May Brotherly love prevail and every moral and social virtue cement us.

So mote it be---Jack
Zum D10 8x5,rev pre-amp, TC M300, Split 12, n-112, IZZY, Hilton vp, Geo L, BJS Hughey, Live Steel
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Bobby Caldwell


St. Louis, Missouri, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2009 11:31 am    
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Herb, my dear friend, I am so sorry for your loss. Yor are and will continue to be in my prayers. If you need a shoulder, please call me. Loveya pal, Bobby
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Whip Lashaway

Monterey, Tenn, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2009 1:05 pm    
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Herb, Sorry to hear about this loss. I've only been a mason for a couple years but have grown very close to several at Bryan #215. Keep your chin up and hang in there. God Bless. Whip
Whip Lashaway
Sierra E9/B6 12 string
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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 8:28 am    
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Dear Herb,

I'm sorry for your loss but delighted that you had two such dear friends.

I know you're a man of faith and all I can tell you is that someday we'll know.

(And, yes, of course that's a Merle Haggard song title).

Sincere condolences, and may God bless you and fellow lodge members.

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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 8:52 pm    
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I want to thank all who've contacted me, both Masonic brethren and just concerned friends, about my colleagues' passing and its significance.

To those amongst us who are not Masons, let me explain a little about the fraternity's main organization, the Blue Lodge, and why I titled my post "my lodge has been devastated."

You see, the duties of the officers of the Blue Lodge (Onion Creek #220 is one of four in the Austin area)... the Master, the wardens, and the deacons,... are predominantly ceremonial in nature. Apart from instructing new Masons in their esoteric work needed to advance through the three most important degrees, the actual business of the lodge as it relates to the "real" world... paying bills, receiving monies, doing correspondence with a multitude of organizations, handling the paperwork, receiving new members, et al. ad infinitum/ad nauseum... is performed by the treasurer and the secretary. Larry was the treasurer for 19 years, Terry the secretary (the MAJOR workhorse) for 27 years. There was no line of succession. I guess these wonderful men thought they'd live forever! Additionally, both were active in leadership roles in other Masonic organizations like the Eastern Star, the Scottish Rite, and the Shrine. They were both "Mason's Masons." And of course, dear and true friends of mine.

As an analogy, imagine what would happen to the steel guitar world if Scotty and Mary, Albert Talley and Debbie Talley all died unexpectedly within five days of each other. That is the situation that we in my lodge are facing at the moment. I spoke to several of the past Masters of my lodge at Terry's funeral and they all said that we're hurting, but we've got to get it together and make some serious decisions and adjustments, and it will take time. Men unfamiliar with these tasks must step up to the plate. This is why I titled my thread "my lodge has been devastated."

We will get it together. There's a lot of philanthropic work our Lodge does in our community and it will not stop because of our recent losses, as tragic as they may be. Terry and Larry would be tremendously disappointed if any of the balls got dropped because of their departure. The school kids will not be abandoned. The sick children will still be transported to the Shrine hospitals. The blood bank drive will continue. Hospital volunteer work will go on. The wives, widows and children of our members will be comforted. We will still initiate new brethren and raise them to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. We will still strive to take good men, and make them better men. This is what the Grand Architect of the Universe expects of us.

So mote it be.
My rig: Infinity and Telonics.

Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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Danny Hammers

Danny & Patricia of Floral City, Florida formerly of Fairdale KY.
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2009 5:27 am    
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Brother Herb I also feel you pain, they were also my Brothers.

Herb here is a little poem, writer unknown
Love you Brother, see you in St Louis

My Brethren, the roll of the workmen
has been called, and one Master Mason
has not answered to his name.
He has laid down the working tools
of the Craft and with them
he has left that mortal part for
which he no longer has use.
His labors here below have taught
him to divest his heart and conscience
of the vices and superfluities of life,
thereby fitting his mind as a living stone
for that spiritual building -- that house
not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Strengthened in his labors here
by faith in God,
and confident of expectation of immortality,
he has sought admission to
the Celestial Lodge above.
Alas My Brother

Gibson Console Grand D8 - Weenick DT-10 - Dynalap S8 - TriboTone Bars
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Bo Borland

South Jersey -
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2009 6:02 pm    
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Herb, I'm very sorry to hear about your lodge brothers. It seems like it really has been a bad year for friends and funerals.
I remember the last conversation I had with my mother, she called to tell me of a close relative that had passed on and said, "It's going to get ugly for a couple of years". She was right, it did.
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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2009 8:16 pm    
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Wishing you all the best.

Rick Campbell
Shawanee Lodge F&AM #546
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Chuck Hall

Warner Robins, Ga, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2009 7:39 am    
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May the GATU be with you and your lodge and may brotherly love prevail.

MCI D10 8/4 Nashville 400 and a Profex.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2009 4:24 am    
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Herb, I am at a loss to find the right words for you,

but maybe that your lodge brothers will be your pillar
and support in this tough time, which is as it should be,
let the new ones step up and share the load WITH you.

And know you are in my thoughts at this most difficult
month that you have had in a very long time.
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

Real happiness has no strings attached.
But pedal steels have many!
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Don Ricketson

Llano, Texas
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2009 10:37 am    
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Herb, I've just now seen this post. So sorry for your loss. It's always sad to loose a brother.
Llano Lodge 242. Sad
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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2009 1:00 pm    
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My condolences for this loss to you and to their families. Losing friends is never easy, but the short period between these losses makes it even harder.

My Best Regards, Walter
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Ronnie Boettcher

Brunswick Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 4:29 pm    
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Yes it is sad to see brother lodge members pass on. It seems the new members do not add members to the lodge, as more depart. Endowed member of Barkley lodge 621, in North Olmsted, Ohio.
Sho-Bud LDG, Martin D28, Ome trilogy 5 string banjo, Ibanez 4-string bass, dobro, fiddle, and a tubal cain. Life Member of AFM local 142
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 7:23 pm    
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Onion Creek Lodge #220 is back on track and making Masons. Two worthy brothers have stepped up to the plate and although the learning curve is steep, they're getting a handle on everything and then some.

Stated and called meetings have been well-attended and young men are being initiated, passed, and raised. What is also good to see are the young men... in their 20's and 30's... learning the mysteries, going through the chairs, and practicing the degree teamwork.

Peace and harmony abound. Thanks for the well-wishes of all worthy brothers everywhere. My lodge has been made aware of y'all's concern and you have our gratitude.

So mote it be.
My rig: Infinity and Telonics.

Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2009 7:35 am    
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Herb, I glad your Lodge is carrying on well and bringing more light to those young men after the tragedies you've all suffered! I'm proud to be a member of the Craft and in the crazy world out there at the moment, in Lodge there still can be found some sanity! God bless you and your Brothers!....JH in Va PM #232 Norfolk, Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2009 10:43 am    
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Thanks for the good news Bro. Herb.

The Secretary and the Treasurer of the Lodge are kept quite busy in their duties. It's almost like running a small business. At one time I was Treasurer of four different Masonic bodies. It was like having a second job.

Like Herb's lodge, ours is also busy making new Masons and doing good work in our world.

Lee Baucum, PM
McAllen Lodge #1110
McAllen, TX
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