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Author Topic:  The fire is burning out of control
Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 10 May 2009 11:53 am    
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Yes that is correct, yet another steel student just left with a newer guitar and a passion to get busy and learn this beast we call the pedal steel. He now has a C neck for that western swing thing his band does and with a 5 minute explaination he is on fire now.

I harp and harp on technique and blocking and playing less, to the point that I wounder if these people will ever come back again. Good news, they always do.

If I can get them to think, they will be a better player in the long run vs just a hot lick here and there.

Needless to say my fire is also still burning after 37 years of playing and teaching.

I am done now.

As always, call, let's talk
Larry Behm
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Ron !


Post  Posted 10 May 2009 4:31 pm    
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It seems Larry that no matter how you bust their chops they will be coming back.It separates the boys from the man so to speak.
I have several students here that come in here to show me their licks they have learned in a weeks time.
But most their time in practice over here are like yours....blocking...blocking...bar techniques...etc etc.
They hardly come around to playing when they are here.
Nevertheless does it work that way.I have to agree that I am not the cheapest one around here but I do put a lot of time in my students and they all say the same thing......"thanks for doing it like this".

And yes....they always come back saying.....The stuff that you taught us last time really works.
That alone is worth the effort and time.

Keep up the good work Larry....we need more guys like you.

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Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 11 May 2009 3:54 am    
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Thanks Ron, like you and so many of our "old timers" I know that learning the basics will pay dividens in their future, they will be better players.

Larry Behm
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