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Author Topic:  Knee Lever Standards
J. Michael Robbins

Dayton, OH now in Hickory, NC
Post  Posted 13 May 2009 9:37 am    
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On an Emmons E9 setup, given that the left knee levers frequently follow the LKR/E Lever, LKV/Bb Lever and LKL/F Lever arrangement, what is the best/most standard arrangement for the right knee levers?

1) The D/C# on string 2 & C# on string 9 change seems to be one standard, but which right knee lever is the best/most standard for this? RKL or RKR?
2) The change on strings 1 & 6 or 1 & 7 seems to be another standard, but which pair/changing to which notes are the most frequently used?
3) And which right knee lever is the best for this? RKL or RKR?
4) Is a RKV very common? If so, what would be the best use for it? G# to G on strings 3 & 6, or something else?

1970 Marlen D-10, 1971 Professional, 1973 Pro II, 1977 Marlen D-10, 1978 Marlen D-10, 1980 Marlen D-10
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 13 May 2009 10:23 am    
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1) - I can't see that it matters, although I like it on RKR.

2) I don't have that, and it doesn't float my boat, as they say.

3) See #1.

4) RKV would be a real challenge to use, as you'd be depressing your volume pedal as you engaged it. I don't know that I've ever seen one.
Roger Rettig: Emmons D10, B-bender Teles, Martins, and a Gibson Super 400!
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David Doggett

Bawl'mer, MD (formerly of MS, Nawluns, Gnashville, Knocksville, Lost Angeles, Bahsten. and Philly)
Post  Posted 13 May 2009 3:27 pm    
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1. My impression is that RKR is the most common place for this change.
2. My impression is that raising 1 & 7 a half-step to G is the most common. Some people (including myself) have a feel stop at G and also raise to G#.
3. Considering no. 1 above, by default this change is most often on RKL. It also works really well on LKV, in which case the 5th string Bb change might be on RKL.
4. As Roger says, a RKV is almost impossible to use and maintain control of the volume pedal – few, if any, have a RKV.
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