Great show. Great crowd. Jody Sanders and the High Stakes Band, Gene Brogdon on bass, Ronnie Decaro guitar, and Rusty Ruttledge on drums opened the show with a set of good traditional music . Cameron Parson brought his own group and did a great selection of music. Watch out for Cameron. He will blow you away. Next was the 'JAM". Jody Sanders, Robin Mims, Randy Herndon, Cameron Parsons, and Dr. Bobby Bowman. Great JAM. Bobby and Robin did a great twin steel ride on "Woodchoppers Ball" Thanks to Gene, Ronnie, Marty, and Jeff and Camerons group for the outstanding vocals. Thanks to Jeff for doing the sound. Nice to see Steve Stallings all the way from Bremond at the meeting. Thanks to everyone who attended. No meeting in December. Next meeting the 4th Sunday in Jan. to discuss the future of the club. Thanks to everone who has supported the club. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Jody and Bob.[This message was edited by Jody Sanders on 27 November 2001 at 10:35 PM.]